Nagoya University

E-2 アートコース

博物館 古川記念館 アジア法交流館 プロジェクトギャラリー Clas 全学教育棟 ITbM 野依記念物質科学研究館 創薬科学研究館 エネルギー変換エレクトロニクス研究館(C-TECs)

1 博物館 古川記念館

2 アジア法交流館 

3 プロジェクトギャラリー Clas  Project Gallery 「Clas」

4 全学教育棟  Liberal Arts and Sciences Main Building


1 博物館 古川記念館Nagoya University Museum (Furukawa Hall)

2 ITbM 

3 野依記念物質科学研究館  Noyori Materials Science Laboratory

4 創薬科学研究館  Pharmaceutical Sciences Building

5 エネルギー変換エレクトロニクス研究館(C-TECs)  CIRFE Transformative Electronics Facilities (C-TEFs) / CIRFE Transformative Electronics Commons (C-TECs)


博物館 古川記念館  Nagoya University Museum (Furukawa Hall)

1965年に建設された古川記念館は図書館として、名古屋を発祥とする日本屈指の 映画会社「日本ヘラルド映画」の創立者古川為三郎と志ま夫人による2億円の寄 附により建てられた。木目の入った、打ちっ放しのコンクリート、上層階に行く ほど広がるフォルム、折板天井の吹き抜け、断面十字型の柱など、近代建築の特 徴が随所にみられる。1981年に現在の中央図書館ができるまで、名大の中央図書 館としての機能を果たした。その後資料館となり、2001年に博物館として一般公 開された。


Furukawa Memorial Hall was constructed as a library in 1965 with a donation of 200 million yen by Tamesaburo FURUKAWA and his wife, Shima. Furukawa is best known as the founder of Nippon Herald Films, a preeminent Japanese film company that got its start in Nagoya. Boasting a bare concrete construction with wooden inlays, a spacious interior that becomes larger on the upper floors, and a double-height ceiling of corrugated concrete slabs supported by cruciform pillars, the building is marked as a modernist architecture. Furukawa Memorial Hall first served as Nagoya University’s central library until construction was completed on our current library in 1981. It was then repurposed as an archive until 2001, when it was opened to the public as the Nagoya University Museum.


野依記念物質科学研究館  Noyori Materials Science Laboratory


ノーベル化学賞を受賞した野依良治先生の業績を称え、その研究を継承発展し、広く発信するために整備された。日本建築学会賞(作品)受賞者による設計コンペを実施し、飯田善彦建築工房が選定された。施設が建て込むエリアと東部緑地の境界にあたる場所に、緩やかなカーブを描き連続する2 棟の外壁とガラスの壁によって、新たなオープンスペースを生み出している。

施工:銭高・伊藤工JV, 中央電気工事, 日本設備工業(研究館)
小原建設, 岸野電気, 中央設備エンジニアリング(交流館)
規模:地上7階・7,117m2 ( 研究館), 地上4階・3,485m2 (交流館)

These buildings were designed to not only honor and disseminate the research of Prof. Ryoji NOYORI, Nobel laureate in Chemistry, but to also provide a space where his work may be taken up and developed by future generations of researchers. A competition was held among previous recipients of the Architectural Institute of Japan’s Award to determine who would complete the buildings’ designs, then Iida Archiship Studio ultimately selected. Sitting at the boundary where our main campus facilities meet the forested area to the east, the two buildings with their glass exteriors form a gentle curve and contribute to the sense of a new open space. A model example of what a cutting edge experimental research facility for chemistry should be, the Noyori Materials Science Laboratory has a distinct look because of the technical shaft that forms a courtyard within the building’s center and the shade provided by its freed outer walls with their glass screens and other features. The Noyori Conference Hall building boasts a hall and meeting rooms for holding academic conferences and similar events, with residences on the upper floors for long stay invited researchers. Striving to leave the forest untouched, the building’s glass exterior was shaped elliptically to conform to the natural terrain as it runs along a ravine, contributing to a pleasant interior atmosphere engulfed in green.


エネルギー変換エレクトロニクス実験施設(C-TEFs)・研究館(C-TECs)  CIRFE Transformative Electronics Facilities (C-TEFs) / CIRFE Transformative Electronics Commons (C-TECs)



施工:鴻池組, 北陸電気工事, ダイダン

CIRFE - Transformative Electronics Commons (C-TECs)

C-TECs was built as the base facility for the CIRFE (Center for Integrated Research for Future Electronics), which has been established for the purpose of facilitating the foundation for future electronics industries as well as promoting research for advanced electronics such as GaN devices and fostering skilled human resources.
The C-TECs houses rooms for experiment and teachers for 7 laboratories as well as an industry-academia collaboration research laboratory of about 2,000m2. Many researchers and students from inside and outside the university gather together – beyond each affiliation and specialized field, to strengthen organic collaboration between industry and academia through joint research and accelerated research development.

Design: Kume Sekkei Co., Ltd.
Construction: Konoike Construction Co., Ltd., Hokuriku Electrical Construction Co., Ltd., and Dai-Dan Co., Ltd.
Completion: 2018
Size: 7floors, 6,469m2

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