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名古屋大学博物館報告 第17号
- 目次
- 蛭薙 観順(HIRUNAGI Kanjun) ・岡村 哲浩(OKAMURA Akihiro) ・
清 健太郎(KIYOSHI Kentaro)・法橋 光徳(HOKKYO Mitsuyoshi) ・福田 勝洋(FUKUTA Katuhiro
Morphological relationship between VIP-and GnRH-like immunoreactive neurons by conforcallaser scanning and light microscopic analyses in the hypothalamic infundibular region of the pigeo
vol.17, p. 1-6. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.77MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.017.01The hypothalamic infundibular region of the birds comprise neuronal elements immunoreactive (ir) for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). By use of immunohistochemical double-labeling techniques,we have investigated the morphological relationships between these two types of peptidergic neuronal elements in the infundibular area of the pigeon at light microscopic levels. Serial sectioned images of conforcal laser scanning microscopy revealed that GnRH-like-ir fibers or button-like structures were in close apposition to VIP-like-ir cell bodies or processes (probably dendritic processes). These results were confirmed by a method for combining conforcal and conventional light microscopic examinations of Vibratom sections processed for double-labeling immunohistochemistry. This method showed that these close apposition of two types of peptidergic neuronal elements were observed in a subependymal area ofinfundibular region dorsal to the median eminence. These data suggest that GnRH fibers innervate subependymal VIP neurons of the infundibular region near the median eminence. The infundibular regions of the bird are possible sites of interaction between VIP and GnRH neuronal systems.
- 与語 節生(YOGO Setsuo) ・吉田 英一(YOSHIDA Hidekazu) ・山本 鋼志(YAMOTO Koshi) 3)
Impregnation methodology for identification of the micro-pore relevant for nuclide migration in rock specimens
vol.17, p. 7-13. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.41MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.017.02Impregnation methodology for identification of the micro-pore relevant for mass transport has been developed and its usefulness is discussed. An appropriate experimental method is proposed for evaluating microscopic pore structure and fracture system generated in the intact rock. The usefulness of the method is evaluated and the results are summarized as follows:
1) Impregnation experiment is effective to identify the micro-crack with the scale of few micrometers physically damaged in the granitic rocks especially by faulting.
2) Several structural types of microscopic pore and fracture with the scale of less than few tens of micrometers can be identify with this impregnation method. This methodology is useful not only for the identification of originally formed pores but also the pores contributed for the mass transport in the matrix of rock specimens. - 柴田 信之介(SHIBATA Shin-nosuke) ・田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi) ・南 雅代(MINAMI Masayo)・仙田 量子(SENDA Ryoko) ・武邊 勝道(TAKEBE Masamichi) ・加地 拓哉(KACHI Takuya)・近藤 正史(KONDO Masashi) ・織田 周平(ODA Shuhei) ・林 隆正(HAYASHI Takamasa) ・西澤邦秀(NISHIZAWA Kunihide) ・小島 久(KOJIMA Hisashi
名古屋大学アイソトープ総合センターに設置されたγ線自動測定・ 解析システムによる地質試料の中性子放射化分析手順と分析精度
The procedure and accuracy of INAA for geological materials by new γ-ray counting and data processing system at Radioisotope Center in Nagoya University
vol.17, p. 15-32. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.75MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.017.03A new gamma-ray counting and data processing system for non-destructive neutron activation analysis has been set up in Radioisotope Center in Nagoya University. The system carry out gamma-ray counting,sample change and data processing automatically,and is able to keep us away from parts of complicated operations in INAA.
In this study,we have arranged simple analytical procedure that makes practical works easier than previous. The concrete flow is described from the preparation ofpowder rock samples to gamma-ray counting and data processing by the new INAA system. Then it is run over that the analyses used two Geological Survey of Japan rock reference samples JB-1a and JG-1a in order to evaluate how the new analytical procedure give any speediness and accuracy for analyses of geological materials. Two United States Geological Survey reference samples BCR-1 and G-2 used as the standard respectively. Twenty two elements for JB-1a and 25 elements for JG-1a were analyzed, the uncertainty are <5% for Na,Sc,Fe,Co,La,Ce,Sm,Eu,Yb,Lu,Hf,Ta and Th,and of <10% for Cr,Zn,Cs,Ba,Nd,Tb and U. This system will enable us to analyze more than 1500 geologic samples per year. - 西川 輝昭(Teruaki Nishikawa)・Helmut Sattmann
アルブレヒト・フォン・ローレツが日本で採集した動物標本のリスト : ウィーン自然史博物館のカタログ調査から
List of Dr. Albrecht von Roretz's collection of Japanese animals made about 120 years ago,compiled from the catalogues of Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
vol.17, p. 33-44. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.41MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.017.04We compiled an inclusive list of Dr. Albrecht von Roretz's collection of Japanese animals made during his period of stay (1874-1882) and now deposited in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien mainly on the basis of catalogue information. The list shows that the collection consists of more than 1,450 individuals,ranging from sponges to mammals,classified into about 360 species. Included in the collection are many name-bearing types of nemerteans,polychaetes,echiurans,insects, myriapods,arachnids,branchiurans,holothurians,and ascidians.
- 永田郁(Kaoru NAGATA)
A Study on Gaṇ Type Images Playing Musical Instruments and Dancing of the Monolithic Temple of Vēṇṇuvaṅlkōvil,Kaḷugumalai
vol.17, p. 45-63. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.75MB)
The monolithic temple of Vēṇṇuvaṅlkōvil,Kaḷugumalai has been cited as the most beautiful one of temples in Paāṇḍyan period. This article is to discribe Gaṇa type images playing musical instruments and dancing on mainly ardhamaāṇapa and vimāna's second row of this monolithic temple,ba sed on field survey held on 25th August,2001. Firstly by describing and classifying the characteristic figures of Gaṇa type images inVēṇṇuvaṅlkōvill,I will introduce an example of decorative image program in Hindu Temple and secondly probe the relation between Galṇ.a and Siva in the view of the hairstyles and attributes (musical instruments and Naga) of Gal).ai mages,an d finally I wll try to offer the characteristic aspects related with Śiva's images in Gaṇa Images playing musical instruments and dancing.
- 福山 泰子(FUKUYAMA Yasuko
A Report on Decorative motifs in Ajaṇṭā Cave XVII - Devotional and Ornamental Paintings -
vol.17, p. 65-84. » 要旨を表示PDF(4.04MB)
A number of volumes on the Ajaṇṭā paintings has been published since its rediscovery in 1819, but research on the decorative motifs is limited. The major works on the Ajaṇṭā Paintings published by John Griffith and by Ghulam Yazdani contains some data of decorative motifs,however,several unsuccessful attempts at conservation made any further research on the devotional and ornamental paintings quite difficult and no introduction of those paintings has been offered so far. In this article,I report the decorative motifs in Ajaṇṭā Cave XVII based upon af ield survey in August 2000 and March,2001.
- 高橋健太郎(Kentaro Takahashi)
The bronze bowl excavated from Ohtomi Nishiyama No. 1 Kofun tomb in Toki,Gifu Prefecture
vol.17, p. 85-90. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.31MB)
This article is ar eport on the Dohwan excavated from Kofun tomb in Toki,Gi fu prefecture. This Dohwan is the first example as excavated remains in Gifu pref. and is regarded as a product of the first half ofthe 7th century A.D.
- 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)・鈴木 和博(SUZUKI Kazuhiro)
Age of the Swedish granite used as a commemorative stone to mark Professor Noyori's Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001
vol.17, p. 91-94. » 要旨を表示PDF(623KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.017.08Medium-to coarse-grained biotite granite originating from Sweden was used as a commemorative stone to mark the Nobel Prize in Chemistry,2001,awarded to Professor Ryoji Noyori of Nagoya University. The ages of zircon grains from this Swedish red granite were determined using CHIME (Chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron method).
Euhedral zircon grains give an early Proterozoic age of 1860 ±50 Ma,wh ereas one zircon grain gives an exceptionally old age of 3980 ±360 Ma for the core,although its significance is unclear. - 名古屋大学博物館 第1回特別展記録 名古屋の足元、濃尾平野の生い立ちを知る・診る・探る
Records of 1st NUM Special Exhibition
vol.17, p. 95-103. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.30MB)
- 名古屋大学博物館第2特別展記録 名古屋大学の医のこころ -医学部所蔵の教育資料・標本展
Records of 2nd NUM Special Exhibition
vol.17, p. 105-115. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.21MB)