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名古屋大学博物館報告 第23号
- 目次
- Masamichi TAKEBE and Koshi YAMAMOTO
Relative REE abundances of porewater in Pacific pelagic sediment: estimation by equilibrium calculations based on REE composition of Mn-oxide and apatite components
vol.23, p. 1-12. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.36MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.023.01In order to reveal REE mobilization in sediment during early diagenesis, we estimate the REE composition of porewater in Pacific sediments deposited in the Equatorial area. The Pacific sediment was divided chemically into leachate 1 (extracted by alkaline Na2S2O4), leachate 2 (extracted by 0.17 M HCl) and residue. The leachate 1, leachate 2 and residue consist mainly of Mn oxide, carbonate fluorapatite (CFA), and detrital materials, respectively. The Mn oxide and CFA component are considered to provide information about REE composition of porewater. Assuming that Mn oxide and CFA in the sediment were in chemical equilibrium with the porewater in terms of REE, the REE composition (REE/ Gd ratio) of the porewater in the sediment was estimated from the REE abundance of the leachate 1 and 2. The estimated REE pattern (REE/Gd ratio) of the porewater shows La depletion and Ce enrichment relative to the deep-seawater. The difference of REE composition between deep-seawater and porewater suggests that REE in pelagic sediment is mobilized during early diagenesis.
- 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)・吉田英一(YOSHIDA Hidekazu)・束田和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)・DORJSUREN Bayambadash・SERSMAA Gonchigdorj・MAJIGSUREN Uondon・MINJIN Chuluun
A petrographical note on granophyre cobble from the Carboniferous conglomerate in the Ulaanbaatar Terrane, central Mongolia
vol.23, p. 13-20. » 要旨を表示PDF(20.8MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.023.02A granophyre cobble was found from conglomerate of the early Carboniferous Altan Ovoo Formation in the Ulaanbaatar Terrane, central Mongolia. The conglomerate occurs in sandstoneshale alternations, is partly matrix-supported and partly clast-supported, and consists largely of rounded pebbles and cobbles of rhyolite with lesser amounts of quartz porphyry, sandstone, mudstone, granite, andesite and granophyre. Clast imbrication, although not common, shows their derivation from the west.
The granophyre clast is characterized by having micrographic texture, titanite and secondary pumpellyite. One quartz porphyry clast contains pumpellyite and rock fragments of granophyre very similar to the granophyre clast, suggesting that the granophyre and quartz porphyry are likely to be related in their provenance. - 吉田 泰幸(YOSHIDA Yasuyuki)
福島県大日平遺跡出土の縄文土器と土製腕輪 -角田コレクション紹介7 -
Jomon Pottery and Clay Bracelet in Dainichidaira Site in Fukushima Prefecture
vol.23, p. 21-26. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.26MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.023.03Reports of Dr. Bunnei Tsunoda Collection have been already published had three purposes. First, giving an introduction to unpublished materials. Second, contemporary revaluating materials previously published by Dr. Bunnei Tsunoda. Third, re-excavation of buried valiant materials. This report measures up to third purpose. From Dainichi Daira site in Fukushima prefecture, two valiant materials were re-excavated. One is pottery in Medium Jomon period restored to original shape. Another is clay object commonly called “Clay bracelet”. This kind of material is frequent found from sites in Late Jomon Period.
- 島岡 眞(SHIMAOKA Makoto)
奈良坂源一郎関係史料目録(二) -手稿,絵葉書等にみる〈紀行〉-
Catalogue of NARASAKA Gen’ichiro’s Collection, with explanatory notes Part 2: Handwritings and picture postcards
vol.23, p. 27-64. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.56MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.023.04As the 2nd part of the catalogue of Narasaka’s collection, given were the lists of handwritings by himself, letters mailed to him, and used and unused picture postcards. Among these materials, brief notes were given on the “A diary of Ise-Shima Travel” by Narasaka himself, some letters from his former students accompanied as medical doctors in the Nissin (between Japan and China) and the Nichiro (between Japan and Russia) Wars, some postcards from his colleagues studying in Germany, and some letters from one of his disciples, Dr. Med. SHIINO Kotaro.
- 石川葉留奈(ISHIKAWA Haruna)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・吉田 智弘(YOSHIDA Tomohiro)・眞 静代(SHIN Shizuyo)
木蘚苔類コレクションリスト2-1:B で始まる属(1)
A Catalogue of Takaki’s bryophyte collection at the Nagoya University Museum: genera with initial B (1)
vol.23, p. 65-175. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.26MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.023.05A collection database for the bryophyte specimens of Dr. Norio Takaki’s (1915-2006) held in the Nagoya University Museum (NUM) is now in course of preparation. The second part of the database, about half of the records for the specimens collected in Japan with the generic name beginning with B, are given here in print in advance of the computerized database. 1990 species are included here with records of the name, locality (in Japanese), locality and habitat (in English), date of collection, collectors, and notes on label.
- 櫻井龍彦(SAKURAI Tatsuhiko)・鈴木繁夫(SUZUKI Shigeo)・前野みち子(MAENO Michiko)・辻 千春(TSUJI Chiharu)・西川輝昭(NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
第9回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 本に貼られた小さな美の世界 蔵書票
Record of the 9th NUM Special Display “Ex Libris: An artistic world of fine printings within books”
vol.23, p. 177-201. » 要旨を表示PDF(10.7MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.023.06 - 蛭薙観順(HIRUNAGI Kanjun)
第10回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 名大キャンパスの野鳥
Records of 10th NUM Special Display Birds in Higashiyama Campus
vol.23, p. 203-211. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.07MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.023.07 - 野崎ますみ(NOZAKI Masumi)
第12回名古屋大学博物館企画展 ふしぎふしぎ ミクロの美術館 ─電子顕微鏡で見るいきものの世界─
Record of the 12th NUM Special Display Micro World
vol.23, p. 213-229. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.03MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.023.08