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名古屋大学博物館報告 第24号
- 目次
- 島岡 眞(SHIMAOKA Makoto)
Catalogue of NARASAKA Gen’ichiro’s Collection, with explanatory notes Part 3: Photographs and narrow paper tablets
vol.24, p. 1-19. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.35MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.024.01This report is the 3rd part of the catalogue of Narasaka’s collection to give the lists of photographs and “tanzaku”, i. e., narrow paper tablets for writing poems and pictures on. The photo collection includes many portraits of himself taken in from early Meiji (ca. 1877) to early Showa era, photos of teachers of the Tokyo Medical School when he was a student therein, and his colleagues of the Aichi Medical School in its early period, as well as his private photos of his family or his hometown etc. The “tanzaku” collection gives us some good hints to understand the Owari culture at that time, because the collection includes many tablets of Japanese or Chinese poems and Sumi-e (chinese-ink) pictures given by cultured persons in Owari district with whom Narasaka developed a friendship.
- 西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)
Seasonal change of the temperature and humidity at the repositories of the Nagoya University Museum
vol.24, p. 21-29. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.42MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.024.02Temperature and humidity data of several specimen repositories have been recorded in the Nagoya University Museum. The temperature and humidity data recorded at 10 repository sites in the museum from October 2006 to October 2007 were presented here. There was a wide variation in the temperature and humidity change among the sites, which might be grouped into four patterns in terms of the fluctuation: 1) the fluctuation within a day is large through the year, 2) the fluctuation is larger in a few days compared to within a day through the year, 3) the fluctuation of the humidity follows the first pattern from summer to autumn and the second pattern from winter to spring, 4) the f luctuation is small and the temperature and humidity change gradually through the year. The factors of these patterns and the suggestion for improvement of the repository environment are discussed.
- 石川葉留奈(ISHIKAWA Haruna)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・吉田 智弘(YOSHIDA Tomohiro)・眞 静代(SHIN Shizuyo)
木蘚苔類コレクションリスト2-2:B で始まる属(2)
A Catalogue of Takaki’s bryophyte collection at the Nagoya University Museum: genera with initial B (2)
vol.24, p. 31-176. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.91MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.024.03A collection database for the bryophyte specimens of Dr. Norio Takaki’s (1915-2006) held in the Nagoya University Museum (NUM) has been in course of preparation. The middle part of the second chapter of the database, about one third of the records for the specimens collected in Japan with the generic name beginning with B, are given here in print in advance of the computerized database. 2486 specimens are included here with records of the name, locality (in Japanese), locality and habitat (in English), date of collection, collectors, and notes on label.
- 藤田芳和(FUJITA Yoshikazu)
Report of expedition team in micro
vol.24, p. 177-182. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.61MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.024.04 - 西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・吉野奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)
「今月の観察園」2007 年度の記録
“Plants of the Month” in the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden: April, 2007 - March, 2008
vol.24, p. 183-188. » 要旨を表示PDF(10.3MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.024.05Monthly guides of the plants have been made in the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden. The records of the guides for April, 2008 - March, 2008 are presented here. The records include pictures of the flowers, fruits and/or the cuticles of the plant leaf surface, with reference to the distribution, characters, and/or utility of the 24 plants in the garden.
- 平野 靖(HIRANO Yasushi)・橘 完太(TACHIBANA Kanta)・西川輝昭(NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
第14 回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 計算機シミュレーションで解き明かされる世界 -計算科学の最前線-
Record of 14th NUM Special Display “A computer-simulated view of science, based on Nagoya University’s frontier researches”
vol.24, p. 189-220. » 要旨を表示PDF(48.9MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.024.06 - 堀田慎一郎(HOTTA Shin’ichiro)・山口拓史(YAMAGUCHI Takuji)・羽賀祥二(HAGA Shoji)・西川輝昭(NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
第15 回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 伊吹おろしの若者たち -八高創立百年の歴史から-
Record of 15th NUM Special Display “History of the 8th High School, an antecedent of Nagoya University”
vol.24, p. 221-254. » 要旨を表示PDF(26.1MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.024.07