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名古屋大学博物館報告 第27号
- 目次
- 永井ひろ美(NAGAI Hiromi)・白木敬一(SHIRAKI Keiichi)
Description of radiolarian quartzites in MIURA Soujirou (1884)
vol.27, p. 1-11. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.90MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.027.01In June 1884, MIURA Soujirou submitted his dissertation thesis of the title “A brief Report on the Geology of Eastern Tosa” to Dr. HARADA Toyokichi in the University of Tokyo. His dissertation thesis was first directed by Carl Christian Gottsche, Professor of Geology and Paleontology in the University of Tokyo. Miura (1884) found the occurrence of radiolarian quartzites from Kishimoto in Kagamigori; he noticed that they were very similar to the Cretaceous radiolarian quartzites discovered by Kikuchi (1883) in the Province of Awa. Miura (1884) also mentioned the occurrence of similar radiolarian quartzites in the Mino and Musashi Provinces. In Tosa the radiolarian specimens were all badly preserved, and the surrounding rocks yielded no fossils. Hence he stated only that their age was elder than the Tertiary.
- 大場 裕一(OBA Yuichi)・柴田 康平(SHIBATA Kouhei)・吉田 宏(YOSHIDA Hiroshi)
The luminous earthworm, Microscolex phosphoreus (Dugès, 1837), found in Nagoya University campus, and its DNA barcoding
vol.27, p. 13-16. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.23MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.027.02We found the luminous earthworm, Microscolex phosphoreus (Dugès, 1837), in Nagoya University campus on Jan 2011. This is the first record of this species in Aichi Prefecture. The luminescent mucus was discharged from anus upon mechanical stimulus. The DNA ‘barcode’ sequences of a cytochrome oxidase I region were analysed and compared to those from other localities.
- 辻 千春(TSUJI Chiharu)
日中両国の報道版画 ―19 世紀末に現れた錦絵と年画にみる日清戦争の描き方を中心に―
Contrastive study of the Japanese color woodblock print(錦絵) and the Chinese New Year picture(年画) around First Sino-Japanese war(1894-1895)
vol.27, p. 17-43. » 要旨を表示PDF(20.3MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.027.03Abstract
During the Sino-Japanese War, decorative paintings by the Chinese and Japanese were presented as reports of the war for both country’s people, while each developed under different environments in both countries. The painters of both nations recorded the same battle using the same technique of multicolor wood engraving in the same period. These prints undertook the role of the mass media - passing on information, and satisfying the public’s appetite for more. The role which each undertook, and the popular acceptance of this medium, saw them become different things reflecting the painter's thoughts. The information acquired through them was used to influence the feelings of people who lived in both countries, and this affected the formation of the image.
- 島岡 眞(SHIMAOKA Makoto)
Catalogue of NARASAKA Gen’ichiro’s Collection, with explanatory notes. Part 4: Narasaka as a Collector and Naturalist
vol.27, p. 45-49. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.53MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.027.04This paper, as the fourth and the last catalogue of the archival documents of Gen’ichiro NARASAKA, presents a brief summary of documents recently donated to Nagoya University Museum as well as unreported ones from the previous collections. Picture postcards comprise more than 1,300 pieces of tourism postcards, which are presented here by prefectures. The collection of more than 1,500 postcards includes some of the first postcards issued by Japan Post, which the author examines with regard to their contemporary commerce in Nagoya. At last, the author looks at Narasaka’s museum activities in the context of the Owari School of Natural History.
- 石川葉留奈(ISHIKAWA Haruna)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・眞 静代(SHIN Shizuyo)
木蘚苔類コレクションリスト3: Cで始まる属
A Catalogue of Takaki’s bryophyte collection at the Nagoya University Museum: genera with initial C
vol.27, p. 51-168. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.84MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.027.05A collection database for the bryophyte specimens of Dr. Norio Takaki’s (1915-2006) held in the Nagoya University Museum (NUM) has been in course of preparation. Database for the generic name beginning with C is given here in print in advance of the computerized database. 1922 specimen are included here with records of the name, locality (in Japanese), locality and habitat (in English), date of collection, collectors, and notes on label.
- 飯野孝浩(IINO Takahiro)・大塚友恵(OTSUKA Tomoe)・
望月沙也可(MOCHIZUKI Sayaka)・北山奈津美(KITAYAMA Natsumi)・
續木友裕(TSUZUKI Tomohiro)・ 石川葉留奈(ISHIKAWA Haruna)・
河村恵里(KAWAMURA Eri)・佐野健志(SANO Takeshi)・
野田桃太郎(NODA Momotaro)・ 梶川瑛里(KAJIKAWA Eri)・
門脇誠二(KADOWAKI Seiji)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・
新美倫子(NIIMI Michiko)・蛭薙観順(HIRUNAGI Kanjun)
NUMAP 活動報告2011
2011 Annual Activity Report of NUMAP
vol.27, p. 169-176. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.79MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.027.06名古屋大学ミュージアム活性化プロジェクト NUMAP(ニューマップ)は,「キャンパスにミュージアム力を」をキーワードに,名古屋大学の研究成果を社会に発信する活動を展開する学生団体である.設立から5 年目となる今年度は,いわゆるパブリック・アウトリーチ活動に加えて博物館学・科学コミュニケーションに関する自主ゼミを定例化するなど,実践と学びの双方を活動の柱に据えて活動を展開してきた.本稿では今年度の活動について概観・報告するとともに,その評価や今後の展開についても述べる.
- 吉野奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)
名古屋大学博物館野外観察園展示室の展示記録 2011年4月から11月まで
Record of the display at the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden exhibition room from April to November 2011
vol.27, p. 177-180. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.55MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.027.07 - 堀田慎一郎(HOTTA Shinichiro)・西川輝昭(NISHIKAWA Teruaki)・羽賀祥二(HAGA Shoji)・蛭薙観順(HIRUNAGI Kanjun)・山口拓史(YAMAGUCHI Takuji)
Record of 19th NUM Special Display “From the Dawn of Medical Education to the Nobel Prizes - the 70th Anniversary of Nagoya University -”
vol.27, p. 181-223. » 要旨を表示PDF(31.9MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.027.08 - 西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・伊藤香純(ITO Kasumi)・
中川弥智子(NAKAGAWA Michiko)・安成哲三(YASUNARI Tetsuzo)・
山本浩之(YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki)・横山 智(YOKOYAMA Satoshi)
第14回名古屋大学博物館特別展記録 熱帯林 -多様性のゆりかご-
Record of the 14th NUM Special Exhibition “Tropical Forests - Cradle of Diveristy”
vol.27, p. 225-247. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.11MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.027.09