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名古屋大学博物館報告 第33号
- 門脇 誠二(KADOWAKI Seiji)
Records of archaeological fieldwork in Africa by Nagoya University: Prof. Omi Giichi’s collection of photographic slides
vol.33, p. 1-14. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.27MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.033.01 - Kazuhiro TSUKADA, Nemekhbayar PUREVSUREN, Manchuk NURAMKHAAN,
Geochemistry of the Permian-Triassic volcano-plutonic rocks in the Oyut-uul area, northeast of Darkhan, Mongolia -Magmatism at southern margin of Siberian continent-
vol.33, p. 15-30. » 要旨を表示PDF(0.97MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.033.02The geochemistry of the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic volcano-plutonic rocks of northern Mongolia is a key factor to understand the subduction-related magmatism at the southern margin of “Siberian continent (Siberian craton + accreted geologic units).” Many studies have been carried out in the volcano-plutonic rocks; however, fundamental questions on its detail petrogenesis still remain unanswered. This paper describes the geochemistry of the Permian-Triassic volcanoplutonic rocks at the Oyut-uul area, northeast of Darkhan City, Mongolia. The mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-normalized multi-element pattern (spidergram) for the examined rocks shows an enrichment of large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) against high-field-strength elements (HFSE) and rare earth elements (REE), with clear negative Nb anomaly to suggest an arc-related igneous activity. The most data are plotted in the calc-alkaline field in the SiO2 vs. FeO*/MgO diagram. It is, thus, concluded that the examined rocks are of calc-alkaline series formed at an arc environment. The present samples, 53- 78 wt.% SiO2, high Al2O3 and Sr concentrations, high La/Yb ratio, and low K2O/Na2O ratio, have adakitic nature derived from oceanic slab-melt. They are quite similar to the marginal facies of the Kitakami adakitic granite of Japan in Sr/Y-Y relationship, MgO concentration, spidergram, and REE chondrite-normalized pattern. It is considered that the marginal facies of the Kitakami adakitic granite was resulted from interaction between the slab-melt and mantle peridotite/lower crustal amphibolite during their ascent. The Oyut-uul rocks might be also derived from oceanic slab-melt interacted with mantle peridotite/lower crustal amphibolite.
- 田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)
Fumarole of Mt. Ontake in 2014~2018 observed from Tajimi
vol.33, p. 31-39. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.09MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.033.03Mt. Ontake volcano erupted at September 27, 2014. The immediate precursors had been detected only about 10 min before the eruption. The smoking was observed from many areas of Central Japan. The smoking and its vents in Jigokudani valley can be seen clearly from Tajimi where locate at 70 km south of Mt. Ontake. The 64 photographs were taken at the time of clear view from October 2014 to January 2018.
Temporal variations of fumarole length from its vent were measured from the photographs. The fumarole have not calm down simply since its eruption. A few times of active revival have been identified. The photographs from long distance are good for the records of volcanic activities. - 辻(川瀬) 千春(TSUJI (KAWASE) Chiharu)
植民地期朝鮮における創作版画の展開(6) ―朝鮮人美術家による日本の創作版画の修得とその展開について―
Development of the Sosaku Hanga (modern wood block prints) in Korea during the period of Japanese colonization―Part6: A detailed story of creative activities by Korean artists through interactions with Japanese
vol.33, p. 41-59. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.03MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.033.04This paper reports several Korean artists who started the Sosaku Hanga (modern woodblock prints) movement. They developed activities of the Sosaku Hanga during a period of colonial rule (1910-1945) through interactions with and instructions from Japanese artists in Japan and Korea. There was no full-scale research focusing on the creation of the Sosaku Hanga by Korean artists who interacted with Japanese artists. In this research, I examined three examples of creative activities by Korean artists, analyzed historical materials, such as their art books of the Sosaku Hanga, newspapers and magazines, and clarified a gap in the art history of both Japan and Korea. ByeongHyeon Lee and JeongHwan Kim in Kyongsong developed activities of the Sosaku Hanga with the support from Japanese publishers in mainland Japan after their involvement in the network of Japanese artists in Korea. JiWon Choi and YoungLim Choi in Pyeongyang received guidance of the Sosaku Hanga from Tadaakira Ono, a Japanese artist who emigrated to Pyeongyang. Ono also enthusiastically worked to develop the activities of the Sosaku Hanga with them. ByeongGyu Lee in KyongSong continued to provide a series of his Sosaku Hanga for the cover pictures of the“ Yang Chung(養正)”, which was a Yangchung high school magazine, after he returned from Japan finishing his study. However, except for YoungLim Choi, who perfected his art to his own style, the Korean artists did not produce the Sosaku Hanga after around 1940. It was probably an unacceptable act to make such prints in their country as Korean artists, because they saw the emotions representing the mainland Japan and Japanese in the Sosaku Hanga.
本稿では,これまで詳述されることのなかった植民統治下(1910-1945)に,朝鮮人美術家が日本や朝鮮において日本人美術家との交流や指導を通して創作版画を始め,版画創作活動を展開したことを,現存する版画作品の実見,当時の新聞・雑誌等の公刊された史料の分析及び証言などに基づき3つの事例について明かした.1つ目の,朝鮮人として初めて創作版画集を刊行し,朝鮮において版画の個展を開催した京城(現・ソウル)の李 秉玹と金 貞桓は,同地の日本人美術家のネットワークとの関わりを経て創作版画を始め,さらに日本本土においても日本人出版家らとの出会いによって美術活動を展開していた.2つ目の平壌の崔 榮林と崔 志元らは同地に移住した版画家小野忠明から版画の指導を受け,また小野も彼らの側に立って版画創作を展開した.そして3つめの京城の李 モ圭は,日本留学時に創作版画を知り,帰国後に母校養正高等普通学校の校友会雑誌『養正』の表紙絵に創作版画を寄せ続けた.しかし,独自の画境にそれを昇華させた崔 榮林を除き,彼らはいずれも1940年前後から版画創作をしていない.それは,彼らがそこに彼らが知る日本や日本人ならではの風情を見たため,朝鮮人の美術家として同地においてそうした版画創作を続けることはできなかったと推察される.