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名古屋大学博物館報告 第18号
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- 蛭薙 観順 (HIRUNAGI Kanjun)・岡村 哲浩 (OKAMURA Akihiro)・吉村 崇 (YOSHIMURA Takashi)
Electron microscopic analysis of the correlation between neuronal terminals and tanycytes in the external zone of the median eminence of the pigeon
vol.18, p. 1-7. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.32MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.01The median eminence consists of neuronal terminals, glia, specifically tanycytes and astrocytes, and portal blood vessels. Neuronal terminals of the median eminence release hypothalamic hormones that are carried via portal blood vessels to adenohypophysial cells and control the secretion of adenohypophysial hormones. We have examined the relationships of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) terminals to vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) terminals in the median emience of the pigeon, using light- and electron-microscopy. Conforcal laser scanning microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy revealed that GnRH neuronal terminals have direct contact with VIP terminals. No synapse-like structure is observed between the two terminals. This result suggests a functional role of VIP in the regulation of GnRH secretion from the median eminence. In this study, VIP and GnRH terminals frequently are observed to make physical contact with the processes of tanycyrtes. Some VIP terminals are encased by end-feet of tanycytes near the basal lamina of the portal vessels. Although functional significance of this correlation between neuronal terminals and tanycytes are not clear in this study, morphological plasticity of tanycytes may regulate the secretion of hypothalamic hormones into the portal vessels.
- 永田 郁 (NAGATA Kaoru)
南インド、アーンドラ地方におけるガナ型ヤクシャ像について ―奏楽・舞踏像の形成と展開を中心に―
A study on Gaṇa (Dwarf) type Yakṣa images in Andhra Dist., South India ー Mainly on the origin and development of Gaṇa type images playing musical instruments and dancing ー
vol.18, p. 9-28. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.31MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.02A number of images playing musical instruments and dancing had been made since ancient India. Because these images had been associated with worshiping and offering. It is believed that this is a mode of worshiping. Particularly in Āndhra District, South India, many of Gaṇa (Dwarf) type Yakṣa images playing musical instruments and dancing are seen in the scenes of life of Buddha, the illustration worshiping the stūpa and decoration of architectures.
In this article I introduce mainly the Gaṇa type images playing musical instruments and dancing from 2nd to 4th century in Āndhra district. Compared with the examples of the early period (Bhārhut and Sāñcī) and the post Āndhra period (Western Deccan and Central India from 5th to 6th cent.), I’ll clarify the origin and development of Gaṇa type images playing musical instruments and dancing. - 福山 泰子 (FUKUYAMA Yasuko)
A study on Avalokiteśvara the Savior in the Ajaṇṭā Caves
vol.18, p. 29-48. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.95MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.03Avalokiteśvara who saves people from eight kinds of dreads, was much popularity with Buddhist people. According to the ‘Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra’, merciful Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva rescues people from many kinds of disasters - elephants, snakes, swords, evil spirits such as ogresses, lions, fire, robbers and shipwreck. As far as the Avalokiteśvara the savior images in the Ajaṇṭā caves, there are already some articles published by D. Schlingloff, M. Mallmann, and Japanese scholars.
I examine those images of AvalokiteSvara the Savior to find out the elements that influenced the selection of disasters, and more to clarify the meaning of the execution of those images in the Ajaṇṭā Caves. Dreads seen in those images are unable to be interpreted with ‘Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra’. They might be rather related with the actual disasters in the ancient India. However, in the Pala period, important role of rescuing people was expanded from Avalokiteśvara to include its consort TArA as a savior. There are some of Chinese materials of Aṣṭābhaya-Tārā Sutras where we can recognize some characteristic of this deity. Surprisingly, the details of disasters match the ones of Ajaṇṭā images. As no direct evidence exists, this hypothesis may be possible that the actual images have influenced to the textual version. - 曽 家湖 (ZEN Ja Hu)・諏訪 兼位 (SUWA Kanenori)
Overview of the autoclastic volcanic-intrusive rock at Tonglu, Zhejiang Province, China
vol.18, p. 49-56. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.48MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.04Autoclastic rock is referred to as a volcanic-intrusive rock produced by superepizonal cryptoexplosion.
A specific kind of autoclastic volcanic-intrusive rocks has been found in many localities of southeastern China. These rocks are formed in late Jurassic to early Cretaceous. In southeastern China, the occurrence of these autoclastic volcanic-intrusive rock bodies is generally controlled by northeasterly oriented regional faults. Tonglu body is a good example of these rocks, and is distributed along NE direction.
In Tonglu volcanic basin, the rocks of three stages are all exposed owing to a deeper denudation. First stage volcanic rocks: rhyolitic and rhyodacitic volcanic rocks are distributed along the border of basin. Third stage hypabyssal intrusive body represented by aegirine-riebeckite bearing quartz monzonitic porphyry occupies its central part. Between them, Second stage subvolcanic rock with porphyroclastic texture, i.e., the autoclastic adamellite porphyry occurs. These rocks combine together giving a three-fold centripetal structure, and are comagmatic.
In the autoclastic adamellite porphyry, a specific “overgrowth border” around crystallinoclastic orthoclase is often found. Many pearlitic quartz grains are mosaiced in orthoclase border. It is called “pearlitic border.” The pearlic border is developed not only around crystallinoclastic orthoclase but also around crystallinoclastic plagioclase, quartz and hornblende in the autoclastic adamellite porphyry.
The chemical composition of pearlitic border mineral shows intermediate properties between crystallinoclastic mineral and groundmass mineral. The pearlitic border is considered to be formed as a reaction rim between crystallinoclast and groundmass under autoclastic environment. - 亀高 正男 (KAMETAKA Masao)・武辺 勝道 (TAKEBE Masamichi)・永井ひろ美 (NAGAI Hiromi)・朱 嗣昭 (ZHU Sizhao)
中国安徽省巣湖地域,中部ペルム系Gufeng 層の岩相変化
Sedimentary petrography of the Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in the Chaohu area, Anhui Province, China
vol.18, p. 57-66. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.25MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.05Petrographical study of sedimentary rocks from the Middle Permian Gufeng Formation in the Chaohu area, Anhui Province, China, has been carried out. The Gufeng Formation is subdivided into the Phosphate nodule-bearing mudstone Member (PNMM) and the Siliceous rock Member (SRM). The basal part of the PNMM consists of mudstone including pellets of glauconite which form in the aerobic shallow marine water. The upper part of the PNMM consists of phosphate nodule-bearing mudstone. The presence of phosphate nodules suggests the deposition in the anoxic slightly deep marine environment (e.g. outer shelf). The SRM consists of alternating beds of chert and mudstone, including abundant radiolarians and organic matter. Chert of the upper part of SRM includes silicified shell fragments which can be considered as shallow marine origin. The results suggest that the deposits of the Gufeng Formation records one transgressive-regressive cycle in the Maokouan time.
- SUZUKI Kazuhiro, NAKAI Yutaka, Daniel J. DUNKLEY
and ADACHI Mamoru
Significance of c. 300 Ma CHIME zircon age for post-tectonic granite from the Hercynian suture zone, Bamian, Afghanistan
vol.18, p. 67-73. » 要旨を表示PDF(999KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.06CHIME dating was conducted on a sample of massive hornblende-bearing biotite granite collected from a Hercynian suture zone in Bamian, Afghanistan. All zircon grains analyzed exhibit concentric zoning typical of crystallization from a granitic magma. A total of 66 analyses on 12 grains yielded an isochron age of 298+/-28 Ma. This is the first chronological evidence found for the existence of post-tectonic late Carboniferous to early Permian magmatism in the Hercynian suture zone of central Asia, although granitoids of this age are widely recognized in the European Hercynian orogen. This provides a new constraint on the timing and extent of Hercynian orogenesis from Europe to Asia.
- 渡辺 誠 (WATANABE Makoto)
考古学のための民具2 ・漁具
Material cultures of routine work for the archeological study (2): fishing equipments
vol.18, p. 75-90. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.87MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.07The different kinds of fishing equipments have been remarkably developed in the Japanese Archipelago since the Jomon period and devised depending upon the habitats of the fish. Of these, identification of stone net sinkers is sometimes difficult because of the absence of working. Thus the comparison with the modern items is necessary to judge whether they were actually used for net sinker or not. At present our collection contains such modern items as 7 fishhooks, 14 octopus lures, 6 stone sinkers for long line fishing, and etc. It is needless to say that the study on modern fishing gears contributes to omit the sampling errors in the excavations.
- 西川 輝昭 (NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
A list of Dr. Koichi Moori’s collection chiefly composed of medical literature featuring Prof. C. W. Hufeland (1762-1836), including Japanese translations in the Edo Era, recently donated to the Nagoya University Museum
vol.18, p. 91-97. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.24MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.08Listed herein is the collection composed chiefly of medical literature made by the physician, Mr. Koichi Moori (1909-2002) in Nagoya, Japan. This features the famous German professor of medicine, Dr. Chiristoph Wilhelm Hufeland (1762-1836). The collection, recently donated to the Nagoya University Museum, is composed of 148 articles, including Hufeland’s “Die Kunst das menschliche Leben zu verlängern” and its Dutch, French, and English translations, “Enchiridion medicum oder Anleitung zur medicinischen Praxis” and its Dutch and Japanese translations in the Edo Era, and books on Dr. Hufeland’s life. During his carreer as a medical practitioner for more than 50 years, Dr. Moori had deeply devoted himself to the book “Enchiridion medicum”, especially the chapter entitled “Die Verhältnisse des Arztes” on ethical and practical guides for medical doctors, since he was much impressed by the Japanese translation of the chapter when he was a medical college student. Dr. Moori even gave the first Japanese translation of an yet untouched chapter of “Enchiridion medicum”. Thus, Hufeland’s guiding principle remains alive among thoughtful and humane persons in modern Japan.
- 束田 和弘 (TSUKADA Kazuhiro)
約60 年前の新聞記事資料レプリカの作成に関して
New way of making replicas of old newspapers published ca. 60 years ago
vol.18, p. 99-108. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.64MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.09Museum exhibitions have an educational purpose and are a medium of communication between the museum and its visitors. In an exhibition with replicas, successful education can only happen if the replicas retain the impact of the original specimens or artifacts. In the 4th NUM Special Exhibition entitled ‘Motoji Shibusawa and his role in the birth of the Nagoya Imperial University,’ replicas of newspapers published ca. 60 years ago were displayed in a section on the establishment of Nagoya Imperial University. This paper reports a new way of making replicas of old newspapers without loss of impact. The educational effect is assessed.
- 束田 和弘 (TSUKADA Kazuhiro)
簡易タッチパネル展示システムの構築について ―名古屋大学博物館“姉妹校博物館展示”での例―
An easily developed touch screen system for Internet connection
vol.18, p. 109-114. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.08MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.10Recent innovations in IT have given local museums the prospect of making their information available worldwide. In the near future there will be a global network of museums which will enable visitors to access information at their local museum. To take advantage of this, visitors who are not at ease with computer technology will need to have systems which are simple to use. This paper describes an easily developed touch screen system for connection to the Internet which was demonstrated to delegates at Nagoya University Museum’s first International Forum where the topic for discussion was ‘The search for a new concept in education and research through cooperation with sister university museums.’
- 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
名古屋大学博物館第3 回特別展記録 2001年ノーベル化学賞記念 野依良治ノーベル賞への道
Records of 3rd NUM Special Exhibition
vol.18, p. 115-128. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.43MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.11 - 西川 輝昭(NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
名古屋大学博物館第4回特別展記録 名帝大けふ誕生―初代総長渋澤元治とその時代
Records of 4th NUM Special Exhibition “Motoji Shibusawa and his role in the birth of Nagoya Imperial University”
vol.18, p. 129-140. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.36MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.12 - 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
名古屋大学博物館第1 回企画展記録 樋口敬二 旅のスケッチ展
Records of 1st NUM Special Display
vol.18, p. 141-144. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.43MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.13 - 吉田 英一(YOSHIDA Hidekazu)
名古屋大学博物館・サテライトフォーラム開催記録 「姉妹校博物館連携による知の創造と共有」
Records of Satellite Forum - The Nagoya University Museum “Search for a new concept in education and research through cooperation with sister university museum”
vol.18, p. 145-171. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.40MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.018.14