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名古屋大学博物館報告 第20号
- 目次
- 西川 輝昭 (NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
あるドイツ人博物学者が見た1882年の「博物館」 ―新発見のクバリー氏意見書から―
J. S. Kubary’s newly found proposals and opinions in 1882 submitted to The Museum, Tokyo
vol.20, p. 1-13. » 要旨を表示PDF(209KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.01John Stanislaw Kubary (1846-1896) was a German naturalist and ethnographer, born in Poland, who lived a stormy and eventful life mainly in the West Pacific islands. He is known to have worked for the Museum Goddefroy as a collector of natural and ethnographical specimens for about 10 years from 1869. According to his detailed biography written by Paszkowski (1971), Kubary stayed in Japan for 4 months from April to August in 1882, working “for a while for the Museum at Yokohama and later for the Tokyo Museum”. However, further information about his days in Japan has remained unavailable. Recently, among the early documents kept in the Tokyo National Museum (successor of The Museum, Tokyo), I happened to find his three Opinions (Japanese texts) submitted to the Museum, Tokyo during his three months’ employment as a specialist in zoology there (from the 1st of May to the end of July). The opinions include his comments and practical proposals to improve museum activities for display, collection of materials, and exchange of scientific information with foreign countries. The documents are significant not only because they represent the first record of Kubary’s days in The Museum, Tokyo, but because they give some historical information concerning details of museum activities in Japan in 1882. Thus, the entire text of the opinions are reproduced, and brief notes and comments are given.
- 孫 徳有 (SUN Deyou),鈴木 和博 (SUZUKI Kazuhiro)
CHIME dating of granites exposed in the Huanggoushan area of the Julin province, China
vol.20, p. 15-23. » 要旨を表示PDF(334KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.02In the Huanggoushan area of the Jilin Province, two types of Mesozoic granites occur: (hornblende)-biotite granite represented by Caoshan, Lishugou and Laotudingzi plutons, and garnetbearing muscovite granite represented by Yaolin pluton. Using CHIME geochronological method, the zircons and monazites from the Caoshan and Lishugou plutons are dated. The CHIME zircon age of the Lishugou pluton is 178±9 Ma. For the Caoshan pluton, the CHIME zircon and monazite ages are 175±8 Ma and 177±6 Ma, respectively. It is concluded that the Mesozoic granitic magmatism in the Huanggoushan area took place at ~175 Ma of Middle Jurassic, not Late Triassic as previously thought. These age data provide some new information about the studies of the igneous activity and geodynamics of eastern China during Jurassic.
- 吉田 英一 (YOSHIDA Hidekazu)・松岡 敬二 (MATSUOKA Keiji)
Occurrence of ‘Takashikozo’ from Takashihara area, Aichi-Prefecture
vol.20, p. 25-34. » 要旨を表示PDF(788KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.03‘Takashikozo’ is a kind of iron-oxide, which occurs as cylindrical aggregates from a few mm to cm in diameter and which is commonly found in unconsolidated clayey to silty Quaternary sediments. Last several decades, the geology of the occurrence was described and recorded as a ‘Natural Monument’ due to its spectacular characteristics and structural interest. However, the iron oxideforming process is little known. Results of a detailed structural and geochemical characterization reveal that ‘Takashikozo’ has been formed by a Fe redox reaction. Presumably certain microbial activity contributes to the formation of the iron oxide’s zonal structure and preferential accumulation of certain elements, that may not be interpreted by a simple elemental diffusion process.
- 見田 隆鑑(MITA Takaaki)
The Sculpture of Acalanatha Niched in Kanzanji-temple, Yogo Town, Siga Prefecture
vol.20, p. 35-53. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.64MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.04This paper is a report of examination about the sculpture of Acalanātha niched in Kanzanjitemple, Yogo Town, Siga Prefecture. This sculpture of Acalanātha do up 8 topknots on the vertex, and probably render 7 knots on the hair which hangs in front of left ear. This figure is very unique, and has very important meaning for the evolution of the image of Acalanātha in Japan. In this paper, firstly I present basic data of this sculpture (ex. size, structure, condition of conservation), secondly introduce about Kanzanji-temple, and consider about this sculpture from some documents of the history of the Kanzanji-temple regarding with this sculpture (ex. Kanzanji-Engi), finally discuss my opinions about this sculpture and the factar of this evolution of the image of Acalanātha.
- 吉田 泰幸 (YOSHIDA Yasuyuki)
宮城県室浜貝塚出土資料の研究 -角田コレクション紹介3-
Study of Murohama shell mound in Miyagi prefecture.
vol.20, p. 55-69. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.17MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.05Murohama shell mound is the type site of “Murohama type pottery” Dr. Sugao Yamanouti had named. There are three important matters about materials of Murohama shell mound in Dr. Bunei Tsunoda Collection. First, one pottery was restored in an almost perfect condition. The material like that is very valuable. Second, broken pieces of pottery were unearthed from two spots and three stratigraphic positions. This is an important matter for studying change of pottery from earliest to early Jomon period at Tohoku region. Third, there were a few animal remains. This is an important matter for studying dietary habits at that time demonstratively. Those three are important for studying culture in early Jomon period at Tohoku region, so I mainly investigated potteries in detail and considered significance of these materials.
- 丹羽 耕輔 (NIWA Kohsuke)
Re-division of the Chichibu belt of the western area of Lake Hamana, central Japan
vol.20, p. 71-78. » 要旨を表示PDF(33.6MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.06The accretionary complex of the Chichibu belt in the western area of Lake Hamana, central Japan is divided into three tectonic units (the Unit T1, T2 and T3 tectonically from bottom to top) on the basis of lithology and structure. The Unit T1 consists mainly of mélange and slabs of chert and clastic rocks. The Unit T2 consists mainly of mélange and slabs of chert, greenstone and limestone. The Unit T3 consists mainly of mélange and slabs of chert and clastic rocks.
- 中崎 峰子 (NAKAZAKI Mineko)・壷井 基裕 (TSUBOI Motohiro)・金川 和世 (KANAGAWA Kazuyo)・加藤 丈典 (KATO Takenori)・鈴木 和博 (SUZUKI Kazuhiro)
vol.20, p. 79-91. » 要旨を表示PDF(377KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.07This paper describes analytical procedures to determine 10 major and 15 trace elements in silicate rocks, using an X-ray fluorescence analyzer (Shimadzu SXF 1800) with a Rh target at the Center for Chronological Research, Nagoya University. Analyses are carried out on glass bead prepared through fusion of sample and flux (Li2B4O7) mixture in the proportion of 0.7g : 6.0g for major elements (Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, P ) and 2g : 3g for trace elements (V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, Th). Calibration curves for the major elements cover a wide compositional range of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary silicate rocks. Calibration curves for the trace elements are corrected for spectral line-overlap and matrix effect, and carry out reliable analyses at concentration above 2-10ppm.
- 水谷伸治郎 (MIZUTANI Shinjiro)・磯貝 芳徳 (ISOGAI Yoshinori)・永井ひろ美( NAGAI Hiromi)・小嶋 智( KOJIMA Satoru)
放散虫化石試料の保存と管理 ― Rad-File (IDB) ver. 5.56を例にして―
Radiolaria Image Database, Rad-File (IDB) ver. 5.56, - an example of database including depository data of radiolarian fossils -
vol.20, p. 93-111. » 要旨を表示PDF(903KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.08An image database has been constructed for the radiolarian fossils which have been studied by the staff members and students of Nagoya University in these decades. Of more than sixty thousands registered samples of SEM pictures in the Nagoya University Museum, 2596 samples were selected and grouped according to the localities of the fossils. The latest version of the database includes depository data, which show the place where the fossil bodies are stored in the museum, and give us the way to access them. An original fossil body is placed on a stub for the SEM observation; the stub is stored within a plastic case, which is collectively stored in a cabinet. The depository system dealing with the fossil bodies, the original negative film, plastic case and cabinet in the museum, is briefly described together with several display pages of Rad-File (IDB), version 5.56.
- 西田佐知子( NISHIDA Sachiko)・吉野奈津子( YOSHINO Natsuko)
名古屋大学博物館野外観察園の植物標本リストT 春から夏咲く植物
List of botanical specimens collected from the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden I. Flowers from spring to summer
vol.20, p. 113-120. » 要旨を表示PDF(73KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.09The Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden maintains more than 520 plant (and about 200 green house plant) species within 4230 m2 area. Many of the species were collected or planted for the scientific or educational use, but also brought by wind or birds from the neighboring habitats since the garden was built about 40 years ago. We have made specimens for the inventory of the garden since 2003, and here present a list of the collections for the flowers from spring to summer.
- 原 幸喜 (HARA Koki)・西田佐知子 (NISHIDA Sachiko)
Notes on a document of Professor Masao Kumazawa (1904-1982) donated to the Nagoya University Museum
vol.20, p. 121-127. » 要旨を表示PDF(265KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.10A document including sketches of vascular bundles in SHUROCHIKU, Rhapis humilis (Palmae), and notes on literatures by the late Prof. Masao Kumazawa (Nagoya University) was donated from professors of the Aichi gakuin University to the Nagoya University Museum in 2004. The sketches and notes were provided on the backside of old papers originally used for student examinations or administration purposes in 1948-50. Prof. Kumazawa re-used these papers for his own research activities during the difficult years of material shortages after the Word War II.
- 吉田 英一 (YOSHIDA Hidekazu)
第7回名古屋大学博物館特別展記録 名古屋大学の研究・教育を支えた匠の技
Records of 7th NUM Special Exhibition “Masterpieces of the technicians’ craft”
vol.20, p. 129-140. » 要旨を表示PDF(696KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.11 - 西田佐知子 (NISHIDA Sachiko)
第3回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 名古屋大学博物館野外観察園の植物たち
Records of the 3rd NUM Special Display “Plants in the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden”
vol.20, p. 141-149. » 要旨を表示PDF(162KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.020.12