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名古屋大学博物館報告 第30号
- 目次
- 加藤 詔士(KATOH Shoji)
A study of leaflets for the Aichi Educational Museum
vol.30, p. 1-10. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.52MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.030.01The Aichi Educational Museum was a private museum founded in 1892. To set out the museum, the founders put information and advertisements in the newspapers. They distributed leaflets about the purpose of the museum. They also sent out letters to interested individuals to request funds and other kinds of assistance. At least three types of leaflets have been found. These leaflets show the fiery zeal of the founders to bring the project to realization and the financial difficulties it faced.
- 水谷 伸治郎(MIZUTANI Shinjiro)
Repository and registration-system of radiolarian fossils in the Nagoya University Museum
vol.30, p. 11-35. » 要旨を表示PDF(9.29MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.030.02The Nagoya University Museum (NUM) has been a major research institution of radiolarian fossils since 1979, and the specimens have been actively collected and stored in the museum.
NUM employed hierarchical repository system to manage a large amount of data of radiolarian species since then. The specimens were arranged and fixed on a stub, the stubs were preserved in a plastic case, and the plastic cases were stored in four cabinets in the storeroom. Details of each specimen, including the rock-samples in the storeroom, the locality map, and the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image, are accessible from online-database system.
This paper aims to check the user-friendliness for the database-system and the adequacy of storage-system of NUM radiolarian fossil collections. By using fossils of five representative species in the NUM collections, i.e., Unuma echinatus, Parvicingula mashitaensis, Pantanellium foveatum, Eucyrtidiellum semifactum, and Xitus gifuensis, it was found that the repository system worked properly to find out a particular fossil specimen from a large number of collections is very helpful for re-examination. If we had not prepared this repository system, it would be very laborious work to find a particular fossil body of the radiolarians from the thousands and thousands of tiny particles in the museum building. We have confirmed that the preservation method of the fossils in a plastic case, which has been stored within a cabinet, was actually effective enough for dust-proof and thus valid for re-studying the specimens in NUM. - 辻(川瀬)千春 〔TSUJI(KAWASE)Chiharu〕
植民地期朝鮮における創作版画の展開 ―「朝鮮創作版画会」の活動を中心に―
Development of the Sosaku Hanga (modern wood block prints) in Korea under Japanese colonial rule: Focusing on promotional activities by ‘Chosen Sosaku Hanga Kai’
vol.30, p. 37-55. » 要旨を表示PDF(4.45MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.030.03韓両国の空白の美術史である植民地期朝鮮における創作版画の展開についての研究の端緒として,唯一の創作版画専門の美術団体である「朝鮮創作版画会」について,1929年末の結成前夜から,朝鮮美展における版画の出品受理以降の1933年までの5年間の活動を中心に報告した.
I reported about the ‘Chosen Sosaku Hanga Kai’, which was the art group that specialized in the Sosaku Hanga (modern wood block prints) in Korea under Japanese colonial rule; mainly on the 5 years activity from the end of 1929 (just before the organization was formed) until 1933, after ‘The Chosen Art Exhibition’ accepted the Sosaku Hanga. This report is only to serve as the beginning of a study of the development of the Sosaku Hanga in Korea during the period of Japanese colonization, that covers a gap in the art history of both Japan and Korea.
※上記論文中の図9について、訂正があります。 » PDF(0.12MB)
- 島岡 眞(SHIMAOKA Makoto)
「結城文庫」仮目録 前編(資料の部) ─ある保守系教育史家の軌跡─
Interim list of “Yuki Bunko” collection, Part 1 (documents): Rikurou Yuki, a professor emeritus of Nagoya University, and his historical studies of education
vol.30, p. 57-69.PDF(0.98MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.030.04 - 新美 倫子(NIIMI Michiko)
第17回名古屋大学博物館特別展記録「くじら クジラ 鯨」
Records of 17th Nagoya University Museum special exhibition “The World of Whales”
vol.30, p. 71-79.PDF(6.84MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.030.05 - 吉野 奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)
名古屋大学博物館野外観察園展示室の展示記録 2013年10月から2014年10月まで
Record of the exhibition at the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden from October, 2013 to October, 2014
vol.30, p. 81-85.PDF(2.40MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.030.06 - 寺井 久慈(TERAI Hisayoshi)・足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)・野崎 ますみ(NOZAKI Masumi)
第24回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 西條八束と日本陸水学の流れ
Record of 24th NUM special display “Yatsuka Saijo and History of Japanese Limnology”
vol.30, p. 87-100.PDF(5.20MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.030.07 - 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
第19回名古屋大学博物館特別展記録 絹谷幸太・創知彫刻
Record of 19th Nagoya University Museum special exhibition “Kinutani Kota’s Stone Sculptures”
vol.30, p. 101-112. » 要旨を表示PDF(16.5MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.030.082014年7月24日から11月29日(土)まで,彫刻家絹谷幸太の石彫25点が博物館前庭,玄関テラス,2階常設展会場の一角,3階展示室で展示され,12,104名の来館者があった.創知彫刻展の企画は足立が立て,ポスター(図1)・チラシ・パネル等を作成し,絹谷が石彫作品の制作を行った.会期中(日曜と月曜,お盆休みを除く90日間)に,8回の特別講演会,3回の博物館コンサート,さらに10月18日(土)の第10回名古屋大学ホームカミングデイには,石割り体験イベントとギャラリートークが行われた.