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名古屋大学博物館報告 第31号
- 目次
- 吉野 奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)・長谷川 泰洋(HASEGAWA Yasuhiro)
The distribution of Lecanorchis suginoana (Orchidaceae) in Nagoya University
vol.31, p. 1-8. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.62MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.031.01In this survey, we examined distribution and habitat of Lecanorchis suginoana in Nagoya University campus. Compared with results of a distributional survey in 2005, a number of individuals were reduced, and the distribution has changed, including a local migration to a new habitat. It was suggested that Lecanorchis suginoana in the study area have changed the distribution depending on the change of the state of the forest. According to the observations on the roots, the flowered individuals were associated with many roots, whereas non-flowered individuals (individuals that did not flower this year) tend to associate with a few roots. It was suggested that the opening of a flower is greatly influenced by the number of the roots.
- 野崎 ますみ(NOZAKI Masumi)・バトツェンゲル ツォグゾルマー(BATTSENGEL Tsgzolmaa)・西口 幸子(NISHIGUTI Sachiko)・三矢 保永(MITSUYA Yasunaga)
新発見! 明治時代のブレスラウ大学(旧ドイツ)製のムラージュが名古屋大学博物館所蔵皮膚科学のムラージュに存在した
A new discovery of German-made old moulage specimens from the Nagoya University Museum collection
vol.31, p. 9-24. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.47MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.031.02Abstract
A total of 534 moulage (wax model) specimens are housed at Nagoya University Museum (NUM), which were once extensively used for the dermatology education at the Department of Medicine, Nagoya University. In the course of the archival photographing and re-examination of attached labels of these specimens, we found nine old moulage specimens made by Alfons Kröner of Bleslau University, former German Empire, more than one hundred years ago. This is the first finding of authentic German-made moulages from Japan, and will open a new vista on the exchange history of medical technology between Japan and Germany.
- 辻(川瀬) 千春(TSUJI (KAWASE) Chiharu)
植民地期朝鮮における創作版画の展開(2) ―京城における日本人の活動と「朝鮮創作版画会」の顛末―
The development of Sosaku Hanga (modern wood block prints) in Korea during the period of Japanese colonization―Part 2: promotional activities of Japanese printmakers in Kyongsong until the dissolution of VChosen Sosaku Hanga KaiV
vol.31, p. 25-44. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.32MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.031.03植民地期朝鮮における創作版画の展開についての研究は日韓両国の空白の美術史である.本稿では特に,同地に居住する日本人美術家による京城を中心とした創作版画の活動と展開をたどった.朝鮮における唯一の創作版画団体である「朝鮮創作版画会」が発会する以前の同地における創作版画の展開,同会の中心的存在であった多田毅三の活動,そして1934 年の同会の終焉の経緯について明らかにした.
A series of this report is to serve as a study of the development of Sosaku Hanga (modern wood block prints) in Korea, during the period of Japanese colonization that covers a gap in the art history of both Japan and Korea. Especially focusing on the promotional activities of Sosaku Hanga in Kyongsong by Japanese resident in Korea. I have clarified about (1) the prehistory of Sousaku Hanga activities before the fledging of the group, (2) the activities of Kizo Tada, who played the central role in the group, and (3) the story about the dissolution of the group.
- 辻(川瀬) 千春(TSUJI (KAWASE) Chiharu)
植民地期朝鮮における創作版画の展開(3) ―京城における「朝鮮創作版画会」解散後の展開と「日本版画」の流入―
The development of Sosaku Hanga (modern wood block prints) in Korea during the period of Japanese colonization―Part 3: the promotional activites in Kyongsong after the dissolution of the 'Chosen Sosaku Hanga Kai' and the inflow and the development of 'Nippon Hanga'
vol.31, p. 45-61. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.33MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.031.04日韓両国の空白の美術史である植民地期朝鮮における創作版画の展開についての研究のうち,本稿では,『京城日報』(1934-1945)の分析により,朝鮮創作版画会の解散以降の1934年から1945年植民統治の終焉までの京城を中心とした創作版画の展開について報告する.1934年以降には,朝鮮創作版画会が普及を期した,同地を立脚地としてその風土を反映した創作版画ではなく,日本本土から日本的なるものとしての意義を負った「日本版画」の普及が企てられたことを明かした.
In this paper, I reported on the development of the Sosaku Hanga (modern wood block prints) in Kyongsong, Korea. I covered the period from 1934 (just after the dissolution of 'Chosen Sosaku Hanga Kai', a local art group promoting Sosaku Hanga in Korea) to 1945 (the end of the Japanese colonial administration), through a thorough review of newspaper articles in "Keijyou Nippou" (1934-1945). Before 1934, the 'Chosen Sosaku Hanga Kai' tried to create Sosaku Hanga-which had been developed solely in a Korean climate, and established and familiarized it as 'Hanga' through their art movement. But after 1934, 'Nippon Hanga' (traditional wood block prints made in Japan) that reflected Japanese sensibilities, has been actively brought from mainland of Japan, and the term 'Hanga' used in Korea has changed the meaning from 'Sosaku Hanga' to 'Nippon Hanga'. However, the 'Nippon Hanga' did not become popular to widely spread through Korea.
- 島岡 眞(SHIMAOKA Makoto)
「結城文庫」目録 後編(書籍の部) −ある保守系教育史家の軌跡−
List of "Yuki Bunko" collection, Part 2 (books): Rikurou Yuki, a professor emeritus of Nagoya University, and his historical studies of education
vol.31, p. 63-78.PDF(1.16MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.031.05 - 吉野 奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)
名古屋大学博物館野外観察園展示室の展示記録 2014年11月から2015年10月まで
Record of the exhibition at the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden from November, 2014 to October, 2015
vol.31, p. 79-84.PDF(1.28MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.031.06 - 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
第30回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録(その2): 博物学者・山本時男の集めた石と貝
Record of 30th Nagoya University Museum Special Display (Part 2): Rocks and shells collected by the naturalist Professor Tokio Yamamoto
vol.31, p. 85-93.PDF(3.28MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.031.07 - 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
2015年名古屋大学博物館スポット展示記録: 鈴木五郎 石と陶器の融合アート
Record of the Nagoya University Museum SPOTLIGHT (2015 series): Suzuki Goro's Fusion Art of Pottery and Granite
vol.31, p. 95-97.PDF(1.98MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.031.08