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名古屋大学博物館報告 第32号
- 目次
- 竹内 哲郎(TAKEUCHI Tetsuro)
Memoirs of Prof. Tatuo Aida and Prof. Tokio Yamamoto
vol.32, p. 1-15. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.66MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.032.01 - 柴田 賢・鬼頭 剛(SHIBATA Ken, KITO Tsuyoshi)
野沢 保博士のフィールドノート ―ある野外地質学者の地質調査の軌跡―
Field Note of Dr. Tamotsu Nozawa-History of geological survey of a field geologist
vol.32, p. 17-25. » 要旨を表示PDF(867KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.032.02Dr. Tamotsu Nozawa was a field geologist of the Geological Survey of Japan who made 11 geological maps at 1:50,000 scale in the Hida Mountains. His field notes are unique in that all points of his suvery are plotted on respective topographical maps that are properly cut and pasted on the field notes. This is an important method of keeping records because all necessary information is included in field notes.
- 藤原 慎一(FUJIWARA Shin-ichi)
Preparing PEG-impregnated crustacean specimens that retain the joint flexibilities
vol.32, p. 27-32. » 要旨を表示PDF(587KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.032.03How we store or use the specimens in the museum collections strongly depends on the preparation methods. The drying and formalin/alcohol immersion have been the two major methods to prepare crustacean (Arthropoda) specimens. However, the former restricts the flexibility of the joints due to the desiccation of the soft tissues; and the latter causes the discoloration, remains botheration in periodic exchange of the solution, and require closed vessel to keep the specimen that wastes the space in the collection room. Here I propose a new preparation method for crustacean specimens to solve the above-mentioned problems. The specimen was prepared in the following steps: (1) fixation in 10% formalin solution; (2) impregnation into 50% 400-polyethylene glycol solution; and (3) desiccation. The specimen prepared in this new method retained the mobility of the joint. This method also has an advantage in saving the space in the collection room compared with the formalin/alcohol fixed specimens. The colors of the specimens were not faded for more than one year after the preparation. The preservation of crustacean specimens using 400-polyethylene glycol solution is expected to be one of the useful methods for the museum collections.
生物標本はその作製法によって研究への利用法や管理方法が大きく制限される.甲殻類の標本は従来,乾燥標本や液浸標本が主要な標本作成法となってきた.しかし,前者は組織が乾燥することで各関節を動かすことができなくなる点,後者は色素の分解が起こる点や固定液の管理が面倒な点がそれぞれ標本管理や利用における問題点として挙げられる.本報告ではこれらの問題を解消するべく,新たな標本作成法として,低分子ポリエチレングリコール(PEG)含浸標本の作製法を提唱する.甲殻類の冷凍標本を一度10 %ホルマリン溶液で固定した後,低分子PEGで含浸し,その後乾燥させた.この方法で作成した甲殻類標本は,関節膜や腱の柔軟性が失われないため,関節の可動性が保持された.また,密封容器に入れる必要がないため,収蔵スペースの節約においては液浸標本に勝り,乾燥標本と同等であるといえる.なお,標本作成後一年間が経過したが,PEG含浸処理後の色抜けは起こっていない.本手法は今後の甲殻類の保存方法のひとつとして有効活用していくことが期待される.
- 吉野 奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)
Record of the exhibition at the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden from November, 2015 to October, 2016
vol.32, p. 33-40. » 要旨を表示PDF(937KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.032.04名古屋大学博物館野外観察園展示室で2015年11 月から2016年10 月までに名古屋大学博物館のサテライト展示を6 つ行った.本報告はその記録である.展示の企画,展示者との調整は野崎ますみ(名古屋大学博物館)が行い,会期中の管理は吉野が行った.展示物に関しては展示者が作成を行っている.
- 永井 ひろ美・白木 敬一(NAGAI Hiromi, SHIRAKI Keiichi)
Radiolarian models existed at the end of 19 century (Meiji period) in Japan
vol.32, p. 41-46. » 要旨を表示PDF(552KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.032.05The radiolarian models were displayed in the Department of Zoology, College of Science, Tokyo Imperial University at the end of 19th century (the Meiji era). They were brought by Dr. K. Mitsukuri from the European and American inspection journey. The models of six radiolarian species had been on sale for educational use.
黎明期(1926 年以前)の放散虫研究史を明らかにするために,筆者らは主に放散虫化石研究に焦点を合わせて,東京大学地質学科の卒業論文を手始めとして地質学雑誌,地学雑誌などの検索を行い文献資料の紹介を行って来た(永井,1995;永井・白木,2010; 2011; 2012; 2013; 2016).この度,博物学雑誌の検索を始めたところ遅くとも1900(明治33)年には放散虫模型が日本に存在したことが判明したのでその紹介をする.
- 辻(川瀬) 千春(TSUJI(KAWASE) Chiharu)
植民地期朝鮮における創作版画の展開(4) ―仁川における佐藤米次郎の創作版画活動と時局下の蔵書票展の開催について―
The Development of ‘Sosaku Hanga (modern woodblock prints)’ in Korea during the period of Japanese colonization―Part4: promotional activities of Yonejirou Satou in Incheon and holding of the exlibris exhibition in view of the political climate.
vol.32, p. 47-62. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.08MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.032.06After Yonejirou Satou (1915-2003) moved to Incheon, Korea under Japanese rule, from Aomori in January, 1940, he developed the promotional activity of‘ Sosaku Hanga’ aggressively. He planned the exlibris exhibition in view of the political climate as the part of the activity. He did not follow the request of the government to use Hanga to unify the will of the people following the victory in war. He developed the activity as private artistic pursuit.
1940 年1 月に青森から仁川に移住した版画家佐藤米次郎(1915-2003)は,創作版画の普及活動を仁川を拠点として積極的に展開した.その一環として時局下に京城で企画した蔵書票展覧会では,日本の錚々たる版画家の作品を展示し「小品美術展」と位置付け,また佐藤が移住後に知己となった,朝鮮在住の日本人による版画作品も展示したことを明らかにした.佐藤は植民地朝鮮において版画創作や版画を伴う児童文学の普及活動を通して人脈を広げて行ったが,その活動に朝鮮人の参加は見られず,一貫して日本人のネットワークにとどまっていた.それは,佐藤の創作版画活動が,決戦下に当局側が期待した植民統治の役割を負わず,郷土日本に根差した創作版画の味わいを真髄とした純粋な芸術活動として展開し続けたことの証左であった.
- 辻(川瀬) 千春(TSUJI(KAWASE) Chiharu)
植民地期朝鮮における創作版画の展開(5) ―釜山における清永完治と日本人の趣味家ネットワークによる創作版画誌『朱美』の刊行について―
The Development of Sosaku Hanga (modern woodblock prints) in Korea during the period of Japanese colonization―Part5: on the publication of a woodblock print magazine ‘Shumi’ by Kanji Kiyonaga in Pusan, and his network of Japanese hobbyists
vol.32, p. 63-78. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.04MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.032.07This paper reported the development in light of the political climate at the time of the Sosaku Hanga magazine‘ Shumi’ which was issued by Kanji Kiyonaga (1896-1971) in Pusan, and the network of hobbyists formed around him. Kiyonaga dispersed the use of woodblock prints to his colleagues through his local toy’s fellowship journal. He also personally solidified the network of woodblock artists in mainland Japan through creation of Sosaku Hanga. In this way, he realized the publication of‘ Shumi’ with the support of the network of hobbyists in the wartime regime. But the activities by Kiyonaga and his associates were not focused on the dissemination of the Sosaku Hanga in colonial Korea; they were from cooperative efforts to promote local toys.
- 野崎 ますみ(NOZAKI Masumi)
第30回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録(その1) めだかの学校 メダカ先生(山本時男)と名大のメダカ研究
Record of 30th Nagoya University Museum Special Display (Part1) MEDAKA and Prof. Tokio YANAMOTO
vol.32, p. 79-104. » 要旨を表示PDF(4.66MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.032.08