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苗村 康輔 / NAEMURA, Kosuke
- Naemura, K., Shimizu, I., Svojtka, M. and Hirajima, T.
- Accessory Priderite and Burbankite in multiphase solid inclusions in the orogenic garnet peridotite from the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic, Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 110, in press, 2015.
- Obata, M., Ozawa, K., Naemura, K. and Miyake, A.
- Isochemical breakdown of garnet in orogenic garnet peridotite and its implication to reaction kinetics , Mineralogy and Petrology, 107, pp. 881-895, 2013.
- 楊建軍、黄梦曦、苗村康輔
- 関于造山帶幔源橄欖岩變質演化的一个普遍規律?、岩石学報(Acta Petrologica Sinica)、26、pp. 1479-1485, 2013年 (中国語).
- 苗村康輔、中村大輔、平島崇男
- 超高圧変成帯中のザクロ石橄欖岩およびエクロジャイトの温度圧力履歴解析法:地質温度計の概説と適用、岩石鉱物科学、41、pp. 225-246, 2012年 (日本語).
- Naemura, K., Ikuta, D., Kagi, H., Odake, S., Ueda, T., Ohi, S., Kobayashi, T., Svojtka, M. and Hirajima, T.
- Diamond and other possible ultra-deep evidence discovered in the orogenic spinel-garnet peridotite from the Moldanubian zone of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic. In: Ultrahigh-Pressure metamorphism In: edited by Dobrzhinetskaya, R., Faryad, S.W., Wallis, S. & Cuthbert, S., Elsevier, pp. 77-111、2011.
- Naemura, K., Hirajima, T. and Svojtka, M.
- The pressure-temperature path and the origin of phlogopite in spinel-garnet peridotites from the Blansky les massif of the Moldanubian zone, Czech Repblic, Journal of Petrology, Oxford University Press, 50, pp. 1795-1827, 2009.
- Naemura, K., Hisashima, H., Hirajima, T. and Svojtka, M.
- An ultra-high-pressure metamorphic condition and isothermal decompression path obtained from a garnet pyroxenite in the Horni Bory granulite of the Bohemian Massif , Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Japan association of Mineral Sciences, 104, pp. 168-175, 2009.
- Naemura, K., Yokoyama, K., Hirajima, T. and Svojtka, M.
- Age determination of thorianite in phlogopite-bearing spinel-garnet peridotite in the Gfohl Unit, Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Japan association of Mineral Sciences, 103, pp. 285-290, 2008.
- Nakamura, D., Svojtka, M., Naemura, K. and Hirajima, T.
- Very high-pressure (>4 GPa) eclogite associated with the Moldanubian Zone garnet peridotite (Nove Dvory, Czech Republic) , Journal of metamorphic geology, Wiley-Blackwell, 22, pp. 593-603, 2004.
- Naemura, K., Hirajima, T., Wei, C. and Svojtka, M.
- Subduction history of some garnet lherzolites in the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, Abstract voleme for 10th International eclogite conference, p.92, Turin, Italy, September, 2013.
- Naemura, K., Ikuta, D., Kagi, H., Odake, S., Ueda, T., Ohi, S., Kobayashi, T., Hirajima, T. and Svojtka, M.
- Diamond and other mineralogical records of very deep origin in spinel-garnet peridotite from Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif, V24B-03, San Francisco, California, USA, December, 2010 (invited).
- Naemura, K., Hirajima, T. and Svojtka, M.
- Pressure-temperature path of spinel-garnet peridotite at the Plesovice quarry in the Blansky les granulite massif, southern Bohemia. 19th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, p.207, Kobe (Japan), July, 2006
- 苗村 康輔、マルティン スフォイッカ、ルカーシュ アッカーマン、清水 以知子、平島 崇男
- チェコ共和国ボヘミア山塊のザクロ石橄欖岩が経験した多重上昇履歴について、日本地球惑星科学連合2014年大会、SCG08-04、2014年4月(招待講演、英語口頭発表)
- 苗村 康輔、楊建軍
- N.Qaidam山地・勝利口橄欖岩と海洋底岩石に見られる塩素角閃石の比較、日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会、SIT05-11、2013年5月