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名古屋大学博物館報告 第16号
- 目次
- 鈴木 和博(SUZUKI Kazuhiro) ・與語 節生(YOGO Setsuo) ・加藤 丈典(KATO Takenori) ・渡辺 誠(WATANABE Makoto)
Provenance of the basaltic anchor stone found from Shikanosima,Hakata Bay
vol.16, p. 1-10. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.64MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.016.01A basaltic anchor stone,112 cm in length and 123.5kg in weight,w as found and recovered in 1994 from the intertida1 zone about 200m northwest of the Mouko-zuka (Mongolian soldier's grave) on Shikanoshima Island in Hakata Bay. It is petrographically classified into hawaiite,a nd consists of phenocrystic olivine,labradolite and augite set in a pilotaxitic groundmass of olivine,andesine augite,titanomagnetite,sanidine and anorthoc1ase. The bulk chemistryis characterized by the high contents of Na20 (3.45%), K20 (1.40%),Ti02 (2.75%) and P2O5 (0.64%).This coupled with the presence of groundmass sanidine suggests that the anchor stones were derived from the alkaline rocks in Cheju Island where ships were constructed to arrange the military transportation for the Mongol invasions in 1274 and 1281. Presumably,thge basaltic anchor stone is the remain of a wrecked Mongolian warship.
- 水野 さや(MIZUN0 Saya
中国の入部衆の図像について(2) 〜甘粛省敦煌莫高窟・安西楡林窟の八部衆像の報告をかねて
A study of the Eight Devas in China (2): as a report ofthe Eight Devas in the Mogao caves in Dunhuang and the Yulinku grottoes in Anxi
vol.16, p. 11-32. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.26MB)
This study deals with the Eight Devas (八部衆)of the Mogao caves in Dunhuang and Yulinku grottoes in Anxi. By fieldwork done from 1998,other areas often contain as pecia1 iconographical image which is not seen in the Eight Devas of this area. First to introduce the main works of this area,secondly to survey age chage,and finally we may be able to through the comparison of another areas between works be going to express the Eight Devas' acceptance and local arrangement.
- 田中 姿郎(TANAKA Shiro) ・鈴木 和博(SUZUKI Kazuhiro) ・足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
vol.16, p. 33-41. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.70MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.016.03CHIME (chemical Th-U-totalPb isochron method) age determinations were made on a granodiorite clast from the Jurassic Tsukiyozawa conglomerate in the northeastern Mino terrane,central Japan. This clast consists of andesine,quartz,biotite,and potassium feldspar (partly porphyritic) with minor amounts of apatite,zircon, monazite and opaque minerals. Three monazite grains in the clast were analyzed and gave an isochron age of 178 ± 3 Ma. This is the first authenticated document to unveil the existence of the Jurassic granitoid clast from the Jurassic intraformational conglomerate in the Mino terrane,although Jurassic detrital monazites have been already reported from many sandstones of the Mino terrane. The Jurassic granodiorite mass is likely to have been rapidly uplifted and eroded after the emplacement in ear1y to middle Jurassic time. This discovery provides a clearer clue to the Mesozoic source rock for clastic rocks of the Mino terrane.
- 萩田 直子(HAGITA Naoko)・足立守(ADACHI Mamoru) ・志知龍一(SHICHI Ryuichi
Subsurface structure ofthe Yoro fault and its environs in central Japan as inferred from gravity anomaly
vol.16, p. 43-89. » 要旨を表示PDF(9.25MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.016.04We have newly obtained 2655 gravity data from a dense gravity survey in an area around the Yoro Mountains, central Japan (Lat. 34°50'_35° 25' ,. 136° 25' -136° 55'). A new Bouguer anomaly map,drawn from a total of 4,028 gravity data including our new 2655 data,s hows as teep gravity gradient zone of about 10 mgal!kma long the eastern slope of出eYoro Mountains.τbis is one of the steepest gravity gradient zones in the ]apanese Islands. The steep gravity gradient zone corresponds to the Yoro fault that forms a clear lineament as the boundary line between the Yoro Mountains and the Nobi Plain. The steep gravity gradient zone does not form a straight line but slightly turns in the middle of the Yoro Mountains. A number of minor faults are observed around the turning point of the steep gravity gradient.
We made Bouguer anomaly profiles along the three cross-sections across the Yoro Mountains on the north, middle (the turning point of the steep gravity gradient) and south of them. We inferred the subsurface structure of the Yoro fault by applying the two-dimensional Talwani's method to the profiles. As a result, we estimated the depth of hthoro fault to be about 2000m and the gradient of the fau1t plane to be over 60℃. Comparing the inferred subsurface structures and the geological and topographical features around the Yoro Mountains,we have concluded that the Yoro fault is not one continuous straight fault,but is composed of two faults arranged en echelon. - 渡辺 誠(WATANABE Makoto)
Material Cultures of Routine Work for the Archaeological Study (1) :RoofTile
vol.16, p. 91-106. » 要旨を表示PDF(7.58MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.016.05The roof tiles have been used to the temples,castles,and commoners' houses from ancient times,so to study them is one of the main archaeological themes. It is necessary to collect the modern roof tiles as the basic data for the following study. The shapes of roof tiles differ in the location of the usage,and its difference is due to The type of the excavated buildings. For the time being,we must collect the complete roof tiles to compare the broken ones. Our collections of roof tiles are not sufficient for this purpose,yet it is of great importance that they are composed of the samples from the Ryukyu Islands and Korea besides Japan mainland.The collections contain the valuable Korean making tools of roof tiles.
- 秋山 昌則(AKIYAMA Masanori)
旗本交代寄合高木家の治水役儀をめぐって ー笠松役所との関係を中心にー
River improvement works of the Takagi family, "Hatamoto-kohtaiyoriai" , with the emphasis on the struggling against the head of Kasamatsu government office, "Mino-gundai" .
vol.16, p. 107-118. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.74MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.016.06Abstract
This paper describes the changes in the river improvement works of the Takagi family from the 18th to the 19th century. The Takagi family was in some status called "Hatarnoto-kohtaiyoriai", which was the similar rank as the feudal lord, "DaimyoH'. It, together with "Mino-gundai", the head of Kasamatsu government office, worked the river improvement of the Kiso, the Nagara and the lbi. Since 1705, both the vassals of the Takagi family and the subordinate officials of Kasamatsu government office had been inspecting these three rivers to maintain the banks and to control the streams. In 1760, however, the authority of the Takagi family was reduced drastically by the shogunate. It was behind the incident that the Takagi family and "Mino-gundai" were struggling with each other for higher rank. The Takagi family considered that "Mino-gundai" reduced the family's authority with stratagem to rally from his inferior position. Therefore the Takagi family conducted several activities to restore its authority. This case shows a characteristic of the political society in the Edo era, and can be considered as an expression of the problems in the bureaucracy which was organized by following the sosial status.
- 秋山 昌則(AKIYAMA Masanori)
A research report on the Documents of Takagi (Supplement 10)
vol.16, p. 119-128. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.28MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.016.07Abstract
The Documents of Takagiげakagike Monjo) now in Nagoya University Library had been possessed by Takagi Family, who were "Hatamoto" with the title position of "Kohtai yoriai". The total number of this Documents is estimated at 77 thousand pieces. About 52 thousand of them had been already researched and sorted out. Since January in 1990, we have been investigating into the rest of 25 thousand pieces, and we have reported the summary of our investigation at times. This is the 10th report.