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名古屋大学博物館報告 第25号
- 目次
- 鈴木和博(Kazuhiro SUZUKI)・山北 聡(Satoshi YAMAKITA)・丹羽耕輔(Kosuke NIWA)・束田和弘(Kazuhiro TSUKADA)・田中 剛(Tsuyoshi TANAKA)
Late Triassic conodonts from ‘Ishimaki-yama limestone’ in the Northern Chichibu belt, Toyohashi City, central Japan
vol.25, p. 1-7. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.00MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.01Abstract
Conodont fossils, Norigondolella navicula (Huckriede) and Ancyrogondolella quadrata (Orchard) showing early Norian, are firstly reported from ‘Ishimaki-yama limestone’ in the Northern Chichibu belt, Toyohashi City, central Japan.
Triassic ‘Ishimaki-yama limestone’ is an exotic block in the late Middle to Late Jurassic accretionary complex. The geological unit including ‘Ishimaki-yama limestone’ might be correlated to the Kashiwagi unit, which is composed of late Jurassic to early Cretaceous accretionary complex with Triassic limestone blocks in Shikoku Island and Kanto Mountains. - 鈴木和博(Kazuhiro SUZUKI)・束田和弘(Kazuhiro TSUKADA)・田中 剛(Tsuyoshi TANAKA)
Late Triassic conodont from a limestone in the Nothern Chichibu belt at Mt. Zao, Tahara City, central Japan
vol.25, p. 9-13. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.58MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.02Late Triassic conodont, Norigondolella cf. navicula, was found from a limestone block in the Jurassic accretionary complex of the Chichibu belt at western side of Mt. Zao, Tahara City, central Japan. The limestone block and surrounding rocks overlie a clast bearing mudstone with chert slab. The age, lithology and structural position suggest that the rocks exposing at the western side of Mt. Zao including the Triassic limestone may be correlated to the Ishimaki-san unit at Toyohashi City.
- 片岡良輔(KATAOKA Ryousuke)・沼田直樹(NUMATA Naoki)・白河知恵(SHIRAKAWA Chie)・神田ゆか(KANDA Yuka)小澤 萌(OZAWA Moe)・中村明博(NAKAMURA Akihiro)・小畑怜子(KOBATA Reiko)・三浦 悟(MIURA Satoru)・竹内 誠(TAKEUCHI Makoto)・南 雅代(MINAMI Masayo)柴田理尋(SHIBATA Michihiro)・田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)
Finding a fruitful tool for education on environmental assessment with natural radio-activity
vol.25, p. 15-23. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.29MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.03Radioactivity is one of the most important environments for our mankind. Knowledge and basic experience on the radioactivity should be a fundamental curriculum to be taught at the Graduate School of Environment, Nagoya University. We intended to develop the technique how we can teach effectively the interest in the radioactivity for many students. In this paper, we report the result of our trial for the class “Tectonochemistry” teaching the various natural radioactivity in the Campus of the University.
- 石川葉留奈(ISHIKAWA Haruna)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・吉田 智弘(YOSHIDA Tomohiro)・眞 静代(SHIN Shizuyo)
木蘚苔類コレクションリスト2-3:B で始まる属(3)
A Catalogue of Takaki’s bryophyte collection at the Nagoya University Museum: genera with initial B (3)
vol.25, p. 25-127. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.44MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.04A collection database for the bryophyte specimens of Dr. Norio Takaki’s (1915-2006) held in the Nagoya University Museum (NUM) has been in course of preparation. The last part of the database for the generic name beginning with B is given here in print in advance of the computerized database. 1729 specimen are included here with records of the name, locality (in Japanese), locality and habitat (in English), date of collection, collectors, and notes on label.
- 飯野孝浩(IINO Takahiro)・大塚友恵(OTSUKA Tomoe))・三嶋穂奈実(MISHIMA Honami)・菊地彌知子(KIKUCHI Michiko)・佐野健志(SANO Takeshi)・新美倫子(NIIMI Michiko)・蛭薙観順(HIRUNAGI Kanjun)
大学博物館を拠点とした学生によるアウトリーチ活動の 実践報告とその展望 - NUMAP 活動報告2007-2009 -
A report of University museum-based academic outreach activities and its future plans carried by university student -NUMAP Annual Report 2007-2009-
vol.25, p. 129-138. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.52MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.05NUMAP (Nagoya University Museum Activation Project) is a student group of Nagoya University established in 2007, and has carried out museum-based academic outreach programs. In this paper, we report its recent activities and future plans.
NUMAP(名古屋大学ミュージアム化活性化プロジェクト、ニューマップ)は2007 年に設立された名古屋 大学の学生団体であり、これまで名古屋大学博物館を拠点としてアウトリーチ活動を実践してきた。本稿では NUMAP のこれまでの活動について報告を行うとともに、その将来構想についても述べる。
- 西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・吉野奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)
「今月の観察園」2008 年度の記録
“Plants of the Month” in the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden: April, 2008 - March, 2009
vol.25, p. 139-144. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.37MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.06Monthly guides of the plants have been made in the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden. The records of the guides for April, 2008 - March, 2009 are presented here. The records include pictures of the flowers, fruits and/or the cuticles of the plant leaf surface, with reference to the distribution, characters, and/or utility of the 24 plants in the garden.
- 羽賀秀樹(HAGA Hideki)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・飯野孝浩(IINO Takahiro)・吉野奈津(YOSHINO Natsuko)
Record of the NUM Botanical Garden Display “Algae World - from the Yoshizaki Collections”
vol.25, p. 145-157. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.46MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.07 - 山本進一(YAMAMOTO Shin-ichi)・伊藤義人(ITOH Yoshito)・小西哲郎(KONISHI Tetsuro)・中川弥智子(NAKAGAWA Michiko)・佐藤紳司(SATO Shinji)・梶村 恒(KAJIMURA Hisashi)・大場裕一(OBA Yuichi)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)
Records of Homecoming Day 2009 Special Display “Biodiversity of the Woods in the Nagoya University Campus”
vol.25, p. 159-181. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.76MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.08A special display titled “Biodiversity of the Woods in the Nagoya University Campus” was held as one of the programs for the Homecoming Day 2009 on 24th October. The display introduced the biodiversity of the campus with special references on the woods, insects and birds, demonstrating that the university obtains natural environments and harbors a wide diversity of organisms for the campus located in urban district.
- 吉田英一(YOSHIDA Hidekazu)・佐々木重洋(SASAKI Shigehiro)・寺田 騰(TERADA Noboru)・浅沼修一(ASANUMA Shuichi)・槇原大悟(MAKIHARA Daigo)・桂田祐介(TATSURADA Yusuke)
Records of 12th NUM Special Exhibition “AFRICA - 50 years of exploration by Nagoya University -”
vol.25, p. 183-200. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.50MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.09 - 佐藤紳司(SATO Shinji)・蛭薙観順(HIRUNAGI Kanjun)
Records of 16th NUM Special Display “Birds in Aichi - Environment and Diversity -”
vol.25, p. 201-218. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.08MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.10 - 西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・吉野奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)
第17 回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録「水辺の宝石 トンボ─東海昆虫保存会コレクション展─」
Records of 17th NUM Special Display “Dragonflies - living jewels at the water’s edge - from the Tokai-Konchu-Hozonkai Insect Collections”
vol.25, p. 219-231. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.32MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.025.11