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名古屋大学博物館報告 第21号
- 目次
- 渡辺 誠 (WATANABE Makoto)・吉田 泰幸 (YOSHIDA Yasuyuki)
宮城県里浜貝塚製塩土器の再発見 −角田コレクション紹介4 −
Rediscovery of Salt-Making Pottery Found in Satohama Shell Mound in Miyagi Prefecture
vol.21, p. 1-8. » 要旨を表示PDF(446KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.01The invention of technique of salt-making harks back to Jomon period. Salt-making pottery was important equipment in ancient times. This pottery introduced to academic community first was materials of Satohama shell mound. These materials have been lost. However, these were rediscovered from Dr. Bunei Tsunoda collection recently. Additionally, we took both of first-stage salt-making pottery boiling salt water and second-stage one crystallizing salt. This cleared up process of ancient salt-making.
- 見田 隆鑑 (MITA Takaaki)
An iconographical study of Eight myō'ō which carved on the gold casket, discovered from the dagoba underground palace in the Famen Temple.
vol.21, p. 9-31. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.20MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.02This paper discusses an iconographical study of “Eight myō'ō” which carved on the gold casket, discovered from the dagoba underground palace in the Famen Temple, China.
Total 45 characters of Esoteric Buddhism carved on this casket. And from foregoing study, Wulim, Hanjinke,『A Study of Tang-period Mikkyō-Maṇdala which finded from the dagoba underground palace in Famen Temple』(『法門寺地宮唐密曼荼羅之研究』)1998, these 45 characters were identified as 37 characters from Vajradhātu-Maṇdala and 4 god (Pṛthivī/Varuṇa/Agni/Vāyu) and 4 myō'ō (Acalanātha/Trailokyavijaya/Kuṇḍalī/Vajrayakṣa). I agree to the opinion of “37 characters from Vajradhātu-Maṇdala” for the most part, but as for the other 8 characters I have an another opinion. On this paper we reconsider about foregoing opinions and identify these 8 characters as a group of “Eight myō'ō” in comparison with descriptions of scriptures, pictures and sculptures which existent in China and Japan. And we examine about the iconography of “Eight myō'ō” and it’s distribution on Maṇdala. - 武邊 勝道 (TAKEBE Masamichi)・鶴留 浩和 (TURUDOME Hirokazu)・赤川 史典 (AKAGAWA Fuminori)・山本 鋼志 (YAMAMOTO Koshi)・吉田 英一( YOSHIDA Hidekazu)
The relation between the geochemistry of stream sediments and development of Tatara iron making in Yokota, Oku-Izumo, Shimane, Japan
vol.21, p. 33-41. » 要旨を表示PDF(459KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.03It is known that the technology and culture of “Tatara iron making” have developed in Okuizumo, Shimane, Japan from ancient time. In order to clarify the relation between the development of Tatara iron making and geochemical feature in the region, this study analyzed the chemistry of stream sediments in Yokota, Okuizumo and made geochemical maps. The research area consists mainly of felsic igneous rocks. The igneous rocks extend from northeast to southwest and show parallel distribution with a few kilometers in width. The distribution of these rocks affects the element compositions of stream sediments. The sediments from area, in which the Yokota granodiorite is distributed, show high concentrations of Fe, MgO and CaO and low concentrations of SiO2. The sediments from area composed of the other rocks show opposite geochemical features. Stream sediments from Yokota area are entirely characterized by high Fe concentration. The average Fe concentration is 7.1% and some samples show higher Fe concentration than 15%. The average concentration is higher than twice of Fe concentration of JG-1a, JG-2, and JG-3. Samples, of which magnetic component are removed, show lower Fe concentration than that of bulk ones. The removed components of the samples show X-ray diffraction patterns with peaks of magnetite and hematite. Therefore, the high Fe contents of the stream sediments are ascribed to high content of magnetite, which is principal mineral for Tatara iron making. The enrichment of magnetite in Yokota may play an important role in development of the industry. While, there is no distinct relation between the distributions of Fe concentration and Tatara ruins in Yokota, suggesting additional requirements for the development of Tatara iron making.
- 加藤 丈典 (KATO Takenori)・趙 騰龍 (CHO Deung-Lyong)・鈴木 和博 (SUZUKI Kazuhiro)
「ワーキング・スタンダード」を用いたCHIME 年代測定用標準物質の作成及び干渉補正係数の決定方法
Determination of interference correction factors and preparation of standard materials using “working standard” technique for CHIME dating
vol.21, p. 43-49. » 要旨を表示PDF(260KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.04The “working standard” technique for CHIME dating has been developed to prepare standard materials without use of nuclear fuel material. Once mineral specimens are calibrated using wellcharacterized primary standards, they are usable as working standards only with measurement of X-ray intensities. This method is applicable to preparing standard materials for both chemical compositions and determination of X-ray interference correction factors, without use of chemical compositions of mineral standards.
- 稲吉 正実 (Masami INAYOSHI)
A program for geochemical mapping
vol.21, p. 51-56. » 要旨を表示PDF(415KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.05Several regional geochemical mapping programs have been developed since 1995. Various algorithms to express surface distribution pattern by point data such as gravity and elemental concentration were used for the interpolation. Here, we propose the new regional geochemical mapping program that we developed. The program is available to express distribution patterns of elemental concentrations on linear and logarithmic scales.
- Kazuhiro Tsukada
Tabulate corals from the Devonian Fukuji Formation, Hida Gaien belt, central Japan
vol.21, p. 57-125. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.81MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.06The Fukuji area, in the Hida Gaien belt (HGB), is one of the most significant areas for Paleozoic stratigraphy in Japan. The Devonian Fukuji Formation of this area yield abundant, well-preserved coral fossils, however, the biostratigraphy and paleobiogeographical significance of this fauna still remain unclear and precise details of the Devonian situation of the HGB have yet to be revealed. In order to understand the Paleozoic history and geological framework of the HGB better, the stratigraphy and faunal assemblages of this formation have been reexamined. Limestone and muddy limestone samples amounting to some 420 kg from seven horizons (Locs. 1 to 7) along the Ichinotani Valley, Fukuji area, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan have been studied here. The tabulate coral fauna from the Loc. 1 (N36°13.17’ E137°31.37’) comprises the following 17 species: Favosites goldfussi, F. flexuosus, F. sp. A, Squameopora hidensis, S. zhanwaensis fukujiensis subsp. nov., S. cf. zhanwaensis, Sapporipora kamitakaraensis sp. nov., Sa. karatanioum sp. nov., Heliolites wenxianicus, H. cf. gemina, H. ichinotaniensis sp. nov., H. ? sp., Helioplasma takayamaensis sp. nov., Pseudoplasmopora okuhidaensis sp. nov., P. cf. arguta, Striatopora sp., Gertholites ? sp. This paper describes these tabulate corals from the Loc. 1.
- 於保 俊 (OHO Suguru)・松原 輝男 (MATSUBARA Teruo)
Old-Landscapes from Some Viewpoints on the Old-pathways going through the Eastern-hills of Nagoya in the Early Modern Japan
vol.21, p. 127-140. » 要旨を表示PDF(955KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.07Landscapes in an old age are computer-graphically portrayed. There were a few pathways on the Eastern-hills on outskirts of Owari-Nagoya (Nagoya-city at present) in the Early Modern Japan. People walked along the pathways to access natural resources of village-forests. The repeated consumption over many years made the area wasted reasonably. In this report, we show some reproduced figures of landscapes on the old-pathways in around 1830 to 1847. Information of factors constituted landscapes were gained from old-documents, old pictures, and the first accurate topography of the area in 1891, etc.
- 吉野奈津子 (YOSHINO Natsuko)・藤井 伸二 (FUJII Shinji)・西田佐知子( NISHIDA Sachiko)
Discovery of Lecanorchis suginoana (Orchidaceae) in the Nagoya University campus
vol.21, p. 141-146. » 要旨を表示PDF(347KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.08One of the nearly threatened parasitic orchids, Lecanorchis suginoana, was discovered from the Higashiyama campus of Nagoya University. As a result of the field survey in the campus, we recognized 107 individuals of L. suginoana on a gentle slope of the upper part of Ninotani near the agriculture faculty. They grew in scattered groups under the deciduous forest, where Quercus serrata and Quercus variabilis were dominant. This discovery suggests the need of more intensive investigation for the flora of the university campus and of the reappraisal on the importance of the campus environment in the nature conservation.
- 後藤 晶子 (GOTO Akiko)・久紗宮 萌仁華 (KUSIAK Monika A.)・仙田 量子 (SENDA Ryoko)・常盤 哲也 (TOKIWA Tetsuya)・柴田 賢 (SHIBATA Ken)・鈴木 和博 (SUZUKI Kazuhiro)
Wieliczka salt mine in Poland and halite specimens donated from Polish pavilion of EXPO 2005
vol.21, p. 147-153. » 要旨を表示PDF(578KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.09The Polish pavilion of EXPO 2005 donated three rock salt blocks which had been used to model galleries of Wieliczka salt mine, to the Nagoya University Museum. Wieliczka salt mine has been operated since the 13 century. Mining for the period of eight centuries produced over 250 km galleries with works of art, altars and statues sculpted in salt. Wieliczka salt mine was placed by UNESCO on the first international list of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1978. The mine is located about 13 km southeast of Kraków in southern Poland. The salt deposit is developed in Badenian (16.4-13 Ma) marine sediments which filled the Carpathian foredeep. The salt-bearing sequence, folded and displaced as the result of the Carpathian nappe movement, is divided into two units. The upper unit (boulder deposit) is composed of olistostrome with huge halite blocks chaotically distributed within a matrix of fine-grained halite and clay. In the lower unit, the salt rocks are stratified with intercalated claystone and siltstone. This stratified unit is subdivided from the top into four layers; Spiza Salt, Shaft Salt, Stratified Green Salt and Oldest Salt. The donated white halite specimens dug out from Spiza Salt (Cuboid; 36 × 26 × 24 cm, 37 kg and 63 × 39 × 31 cm, 65.7 kg) are aggregate of translucent large halite crystals. The gray specimen (slab; 63 × 40 × 21cm, 43.5 kg) consists of medium-grained irregular halite with small amounts of anhydrite and clay. The gray specimen contains 36.7% Na, 59.2% Cl, 2.2% Ca, 0.1% Mg, 0.1% K, 0.8% S, 0.6% SiO2 and 0.3% Al2O3.
- 蛭薙 観順 (HIRUNAGI Kanjun)
英字週刊誌の科学ニュース記事を題材とした基礎セミナーの実践 ―博物館とサイエンスニュース―
Use of science articles from weekly magazines such as NEWSWEEK, TIME, and New Scientist for the education in KISO (basic) seminar - Museum and science news -
vol.21, p. 155-160. » 要旨を表示PDF(296KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.10In the class of a basic seminar, science articles from weekly magazines such as NEWSWEEK, TIME, and New Scientist were used as an educational material. Although the students struggled to read science articles written in English, they found new horizons of broad fields of science. Such science article written by science journalist is one of the useful teaching materials for scienceoriented education of university, especially for first-year students.
- 西田佐知子( NISHIDA Sachiko)・原 幸喜( HARA Koki)
Notes on a document of Professor Masao Kumazawa (1904-1982) donated to the Nagoya University Museum (II)
vol.21, p. 161-172. » 要旨を表示PDF(397KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.11Following the donation of March 2004, a larger set of similar documents made by the late Prof. Masao Kumazawa (Nagoya University) was donated to the Nagoya University Museum in April of the same year. The new documents consist of two parts: (1) 738 sheets of paper with sketches of vascular bundles in 15 plant species, and (2) 25 charts of data on the growth of maize plants. The sketches and data were provided on the back of old papers originally used for student examinations or various administration purposes. Based on the original scripts of 909 old papers including those donated earlier, we discuss their possible dates of reuse by Prof. Kumazawa. It seems probable that the sketches are related to his publications 1949~1958, and that the data of the maize plant growth are directly connected with one of 1949. Prof. Kumazawa reused old papers extensively for pursuing his research during World War II and thereafter - the difficult years of severe material shortage -. The papers also illuminate various aspects of the student life in those hard days.
- 西川 輝昭 (NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
Documents concerning the “Aichi Kyoiku Hakubutsukan” (Aichi Natural History Museum for Pupils), as a short-lived private trial in Nagoya towards the end of the 19th century Part 1
vol.21, p. 173-182. » 要旨を表示PDF(497KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.12 - 木方 洋二(KIKATA Yoji)
Tropical Timber
vol.21, p. 183-237. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.43MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.13The timber resource of natural tropical forest varies gradually sustainable resource of planted wood species like as Pine, Eucalypt, and Acacia. The lesser-used wood species have to be classified by wood quality and properties for industrial end use. Some trials are shown with actual samples.
Also the particular quality of tropical timber like as Battress, Brittle-heart, Growth stresses, Silica and so on are illustrated by examples.
The amount of Biomass productivity, Carbon sink and Utilization of carbon sink of tropical forest are estimated by field-work at Indonesia.
And the names of one tropical wood and non timber uses of tropical forest are explained. - 西川 輝昭 (NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
A list of Dr. Suzuhei Honjo’s medical apparatus and other materials donated to the Nagoya University Museum
vol.21, p. 239-250. » 要旨を表示PDF(480KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.14Mr. Suzuhei Honjo (1862-1937) was born in Gifu Prefecture, and soon after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo in 1885, he set up a practice as a surgeon at the village of Koromo in Aichi Prefecture. Then he moved to the village of Mizunami in Gifu, continuing the career until 1935. His medical apparatus, hand-written notes, documents, books, and old newspapers, 261 in total number, recently donated to the Nagoya University Museum, are listed herein, with brief comments.
- 野崎ますみ (NOZAKI Masumi)
YOSHIZAKI Makoto’s Marine Algae Collection
vol.21, p. 251-259. » 要旨を表示PDF(336KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.15A set of marine algae collection was presented from Professor Makoto Yoshizaki, Toho University, in March 2005. This collection consisted of 181 specimens, which were selected as standard algae for educational purpose among 80 thousand specimens he has. All specimens were collected at the coastal areas of Japan
- 西川 輝昭 (NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
Record of display of the “Ei e chukei zu”, woodcuts and explanation of human circulatory system, published by ISHIZAKA Sotetsu in Edo Period
vol.21, p. 261-264. » 要旨を表示PDF(247KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.16 - 新美 倫子(NIIMI Michiko)
第8回名古屋大学博物館特別展記録 時を測る ―地球誕生から中世まで―
Records of 8th NUM Special Exhibition “Accounting for Time” - Research into geological and historical dating at Nagoya University -
vol.21, p. 265-279. » 要旨を表示PDF(565KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.17 - 野崎ますみ (NOZAKI Masumi)
生徒(子供)向け展示記録 第8回名古屋大学博物館特別展示“時を測る”より
Records of 8th NUM Special Exhibition “Accounting time” for school students
vol.21, p. 281-284. » 要旨を表示PDF(246KB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.021.18