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名古屋大学博物館報告 第26号
- 目次
- 束田和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)・桂田祐介(KATSURADA Yusuke)・マンチュク・ナランハーン(NURAMKHAAN Manchuk)・齊藤 毅(SAITO Takeshi)・星野光雄(HOSHINO Mitsuo)・田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)・中村俊夫(NAKAMURA Toshio)・吉田英一(YOSHIDA Hidekazu)
Geology around Tell Ghanem al-Ali in Ar-Raqqa, Syria
vol.26, p. 1-11. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.49MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.01Abstract
This paper describes lithology, stratigraphy and structure in/around the Ghanem al-Ali, Ar-Raqqa, Syria. The rocks in this area consist mainly of Neogene sedimentary rocks and Quaternary sediments of various origins. The Neogene sedimentary rocks, the basement of the area, consist of gypsum with fine-grained acidic tuff intercalations. The Quaternary sediments mainly made up of well-stratified silts, sands and pebbles overlie the Neogene sedimentary rocks with unconformity. The sediments forming several terraces along the River Euphrates can be stratigraphically divided into the following two parts, Lower part composed largely of alternating beds of gray fine to course sands and granule to boulder layers, Upper part composed mainly of milky- to yellowish- white silts and sands with minor intercalations of granule to pebble layers. The granules, pebbles and boulders, clast-supported, well sorted, generally include well-rounded flatten clasts of red chert, granites, lyorite, basalt and fine (microcryptic) siliceous rocks in a matrix of middle grained sands. The deposits are generally well stratified with various kinds of sedimentary structures such as grading, cross-bedding and clast imbrications. East-going paleocurrent is supposed by the sedimentary structures. Quaternary alkaline basalts exposed in some places unconformably overlie the Neogene sedimentary rocks.
- 齊藤 毅(SAITO Takeshi)・星野光雄(HOSHINO Mitsuo)・束田和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)・中村俊夫(NAKAMURA Toshio)・桂田祐介(KATSURADA Yusuke)・田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)・吉田英一(YOSHIDA Hidekazu)
シリア・ラッカ県,Tell Ghanem al-Ali 周辺に発達する河成段丘
River terraces around Tell Ghanem al-Ali, Raqqa, Syria
vol.26, p. 13-20. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.25MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.02River terraces around Tell Ghanem al-Ali, Raqqa, Syria, were studied to clarify geological and environmental settings of the tell. Five levels of terraces are recognizable on the basis of available topographic maps and field observation: terraces I (250 m a.s.l.), II (242-245 m), III (237-240 m), IV (233-234 m) and V (ca. 230 m) in descending order. Tell Ghanem al-Ali is located on the terrace V (lowermost terrace), which is 1-2 m higher than the flood plain of Euphrates. Sediments around the tell are divided into five units: channel and flood plain deposits of modern Euphrates, sediments of the lowermost terrace and Units 1-3. Stratigraphic relationship among them suggests that Unit 1, Unit 2 and sediment of the lowermost terrace were deposited in the depositional phase of this area, and that terraces I-IV were formed in the erosional phase. Stratigraphy of the Tell Ghanem al-Ali and the lowermost terrace, and available 14C dating data indicate that settlement of the tell began during the formation of the lowermost terrace at ca. 3000 cal y BC.
- 星野光雄(HOSHINO Mitsuo)
Late Cenozoic volcanic activity of alkaline basalt in northern Syria
vol.26, p. 21-32. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.04MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.03The northeastern part of the Bishri area, Syria consists of Neogene sedimentary rocks, Neogene- Quaternary volcanic rocks and Quaternary sediments of fluviatile and aeolian in origin. Volcanic eruptions took place in the area and lava flows and pyroclastic deposits covered the Bishri basement rocks in four places: the Al Treb, Zenobia-Halabiye, Mankhar Gharbi and Mankhar Sharqi volcanoes. The following ages were obtained from K-Ar dating performed on three basaltic lavas: 2.72±0.09 Ma B.P. for Al Treb, 2.60 ±0.08 Ma B.P. for Zenobia-Halabiye and 1.38±0.08 Ma B.P. for Mankhar Gharbi. Petrographical and petrochemical analyses indicate that the rocks from the older volcanoes are identified as basanite of the per-alkaline variety, whereas those of the younger volcano are identified as foidite of the hyper-alkaline variety. Foidite lava, terrestrially very rare in occurrence, characteristically contains phenocrystic nepheline crystals in which groundmass crystals of clinopyroxene and opaque minerals are embedded poikilitically. Identification of the basaltic rocks is significantly useful for Archaeological investigation, and this study could offer some petrographical and petrochemical parameters for that kind of identification.
- 中村俊夫(NAKAMURA Toshio)・星野光雄(HOSHINO Mitsuo)・田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)・吉田英一(YOSHIDA Eiichi)・齊藤 毅(SAITO Tsuyoshi)・束田和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)・桂田祐介(KATSURADA Yusuke)・長谷川敦章(HASEGAWA Atsunori)・太田友子(OHTA Tomoko)
シリアのユーフラテス河中流域にあるTell Ghanem al-Ali 遺跡のAMS 14C年代による編年
Chronology of Tell Ghanem al-Ali site along the Middle Euphrates in Syria deduced from AMS 14C dating
vol.26, p. 33-42. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.97MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.04We have conduct a field survey on archeological sites along the middle Euphrates River, as well as in the geographical and geological environment in the Bishri region, southeast of Raqqa, Syria. The aim of this study is to perform a chronological analysis of the archeological sites, in particular, to establish an absolute chronology of the Tell Ghanem al-Ali site, by 14C dating on carbonaceous remains at the site with an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) system of Nagoya University. We report here the results of AMS 14C dating on 26 charcoal samples and carbonaceous residues collected from the Tell Ghanem al-Ali site located at the lowland of the Middle Euphrates and discuss the early Bronze (EB) Age strata at the site, which approximately lasted from 3100 cal BC to 2050 cal BC.
- 中村俊夫(NAKAMURA Toshio)・星野光雄(HOSHINO Mitsuo)・田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)・吉田英一(YOSHIDA Eiichi)・齊藤 毅(SAITO Tsuyoshi)・束田和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)・桂田祐介(KATSURADA Yusuke)・太田友子(OHTA Tomoko)
14C concentrations of environmental carbonaceous materials collected around Tell Ghanem al-Ali archeological site and Raqqa city along the Middle Euphrates in Syria
vol.26, p. 43-51. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.43MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.05During a field survey on archeological sites, as well as in the geological and geographical environments in the Bishri Mountains along the middle Euphrates River in Syria, we have collected environmental carbonaceous materials. The materials were measured for radiocarbon (14C) concentration (or 14C dates) to evaluate carbon cycling around this region. Inorganic carbon dissolved in the river water of Euphrates was 14C dated as from 1223 to 1272 BP. This old apparent age (depleted in 14C) is due to dead carbon (carbon containing no 14C atoms) supplied to the river water by dissolving carbonate sediments around this region. Submerged plants from the river water also showed similar 14C age (1314±28BP). On the other hand, wheat and cotton wool cultivated by using irrigation water from the Euphrates River showed 14C concentration as high as that of atmospheric CO2. Plants grow at irrigation farms utilize atmospheric CO2 but not carbon dissolved in irrigation water to make up their bodies. Thus charcoal materials that were produced by lively activities of ancient inhabitants at the sites give us the exact 14C dates to be used for constructing absolute chronology of the sites.
- 星野光雄(HOSHINO Mitsuo)・上野振一郎(UENO Shin-ichiro)
Bulk chemical composition of the sediments from Tell Ghanem al-Ali and surrounding river-terraces in northern Syria
vol.26, p. 53-58. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.96MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.06X-ray fluorescence analyses were performed on seventeen samples of sand and silt collected from Tell Ghanem al-Ali and surrounding river-terraces in northern Syria.
(1) Total amounts of their chemical composition are generally low, which deficiency is partly due to much amount of gypsum and carbonate minerals in the sediments. Petro gra phical investigation also confirmed that analysed sediments generally contain much gypsum as clastic grains and secondary formed fine particles, on which the basement geology of predominant gypsum strata is reflected.
(2) Tell sediments are mostly uniform in chemical composition and relatively rich in K2O content than the other sediments.
(3) A sediment from the lowest terrace is petrographically rich in mica content and this is also confirmed by slightly higher Al2O3 content. This sediment may be aeolian in origin. - 田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)・於保 俊(OHO Suguru)・桂田祐介(KATSURADA Yusuke)
Radio-Stratigraphy for Tell Ghanem al-Ali, northern Syria
vol.26, p. 59-70. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.12MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.07An important aspect regarding the archaeological setting of the tell is in verifying whether Tell Ghanem al-Ali was built on a remnant edge of the old terrace or on the lowest Euphrates terrace. Geological survey of the area, however, is very difficult, because the terrace sediments do not contain any remarkable key beds like tuff. Thus, we performed on-site radioactivity measurements of gamma rays of 40K, 214Bi and 208Tl using an InSpector 1000 portable gammaray spectrometer from CANBERRA Co., equipped with an IPRON-3 3 × 3-inch NaI detector. The measurements are actually performed for 1461 keV gamma rays of 40K, 1764 keV gamma rays of 214Bi and 2614 keV gamma rays of 208Tl. 214Bi and 208Tl are the daughter nuclides appearing in the decay series of 238U to 206Pb and 232Th to 208Pb, respectively. Subsequently, we obtained the relative elemental abundances of potassium, uranium and thorium by these measurements.
Thirty points covering Squares 1 and 2 of the excavation sites of the tell were selected. Radioactivity was also measured in the surrounding wheat field and the river terrace along Wadi el- Kharar for comparison. The detector was held 1 m high and the radioactivity within a 3 m radius of the detector can be measured. It takes 600s to complete the measurement for each measuring point.
Activities for potassium range from 1000 to 4200 counts. These are common activities in natural environments in Syria as well as in Japan. Activities for potassium at the tell, more than 3000 counts, are higher than those at the wheat field and Wadi el-Kharar, which were mostly below 3000 counts. There is no significant difference between the tell and other places in uranium and thorium activity. Potassium is mostly contained in K-feldspar and mica minerals, and uranium and thorium are contained in accessory minerals such as zircon and monazite. The K-feldspar and mica minerals tend to weather easily, though the zircon and monazite resist weathering. K-feldspar is sparse in the river sediment because it is consumed (fragmented and dissolved) during transportation. On the other hand, zircon increases relatively in river sediments because of its resistance to weathering. Thus, we conclude that the sediments in the wheat field and the river terrace along Wadi el-Kharar exhibit the characteristics of river sediment, whereas the tell sediments do not. A large part of the tell sediments must be soils transported from nonriver terrain, probably from the hills behind the Ghanem al-Ali village. - 桂田祐介(KATSURADA Yusuke)・束田和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)・星野光雄(HOSHINO Mitsuo)・齊藤 毅(SAITO Takeshi)・田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)・中村俊夫(NAKAMURA Toshio)・吉田英一(YOSHIDA Hidekazu)・マンチュク・ナランハーン(NURAMKHAAN Manchuk)
シリア,テル・ガーネム・アル・アリ遺跡から出土する石器の 岩質分類と石材産地の考察
Lithological backgrounds of the stone tools from the Tell Ghanem al-Ali archaeological site in Syria
vol.26, p. 71-78. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.89MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.08In order to clarify Semitic tribalism from geoscientific points of view, we attempted to identify the lithological backgrounds of the stone tools that were found at the Tell Ghanem al-Ali, one of the Early Bronze Age sites located in the Middle Euphrates, through the lithological compositions of the stone tools and gravels from the gravel beds. More than 400 samples were randomly chosen out of the registered stone tools, and approximately 500 stone tool samples were additionally collected from the surface of the tell excluding the excavation areas. More than 90% of the stone tools were found to be flint (fine silicious tuff) and more than 80% of the stone tools have the natural surfaces of gravels. It is quite rare but a few stone-tool-originated gravels were recycled as stone tools. Flint at the 5 locations of Quaternary sediments along the Euphrates was 1-25% and the most of the stone tools found at the Tell Ghanem al-Ali have natural surfaces of gravels. The high percentage of the flint among the stone tools despite the low percentage in the original beds also indicates that the people lived in this area in Early Bronze Age had a knowledge to identify proper rock types for stone tools.
- 吉田英一(YOSHIDA Hidekazu)・星野光雄(HOSHINO Mitsuo)・田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)・中村俊夫(NAKAMURA Toshio)・束田和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)・齊藤 毅(SAITO Takeshi)・桂田祐介(KATSURADA Yusuke)
シリア段丘に見られる石膏(Gypsum: CaSO4・2H2O)ノジュールの形成と環境についての一考察
Formation of Gypsum nodule in Euphrates flood plain, Syria
vol.26, p. 79-83. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.65MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.09Abstract
Euphrates f lood plain includes modern channels, oxbow lakes, banks and marshes, and contains of river terraces. These sedimentary phases of terraces are mainly unconsolidated dry silty to fine sand materials with poorly sorted gravels provided from the Bishiri Mountains. The study of sedimentary features is therefore enable us to know the environment of Tell Gahnem al- Ali had built.
From the last field survey of terraces, we found many types of gypsum nodules in the soft terrace sediments. The size of nodule is about 1~2 cm diameter with several cm long. Sometimes, it has several tens cm grown vertically to the sedimentary layer and cross the bedding plane. The occurrence suggests that the nodule has been formed after the deposition of terrace sediments as following steps. First of all, the sediments deposited about several Ka ago. The age of sedimentation is estimated by the structural relation with Tell Gahnem al-Ali and the building process. Of course with the isotope carbon data, if available, would be shown more precise time of the building and sedimentation periods. After the deposition, sediments still has certain about of pore-water (wet) and the composition is presumably becoming very high contents of Ca. This is estimated by the present river water contents of Euphrates, and also the dissolution of gypsum that has provided from the basement rocks. During the compaction of continuing the terrace deposition, pore-water has been isolated and concentrated beyond the solubility limit of calcium. On the other hand, sediments contain also sulfate from the organic matters. Due to the diagenetic alteration such geochemical setting had formed, finally hydrous calcium sulfate has been precipitated and the nodule has been formed. It is however, the shape of nodule is quite unique, i.e. similar to the root plaque of plant growing in the flood plane, and that the precise formation is still necessary to analyze. - 三村耕一(MIMURA Koichi)・星野光雄(HOSHINO Mitsuo)・田中 剛(TANAKA Tsuyoshi)
The origin of bitumen used for archaeological tools at Tell Ghanem al-Ali, northern Syria
vol.26, p. 85-93. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.79MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.10Two blocks of asphalt (bitumen) were found with archaeological artifacts in Tell Ghanem al-Ali by Dr. Tomoyasu Kiuchi, the University of Tokyo. The asphalt has been used as a waterproofing agent and/or adhesive material. It is interesting to know where these asphalt blocks were collected and transported from. One of the possible methods to discriminate the asphalt from various places is to compare its organic compound. Asphalt contains various organic compounds with straight chain and cyclic chain. The isotope ratios of 13C/12C of the compound also differ from sample to sample. These are effective methods to discriminate the asphalt.
We collected the natural asphalt samples from two places in the area. The one place is the asphalt mine in the Bishri Mountains. This mine locates far from Euphrates, but produces asphalt with good quality. We sampled three asphalt (T09030901~3) from natural stream bed. We also surveyed work faces of the asphalt mine in detail and sampled asphalt at the mining outcrop from top to bottom layers (T09030904~07). The other sampling place is in the 3rd terrace at Zor Shammar, 5 km west of Tell Ghanem al-Ali. The asphalt formation is small and has about 50 cm thickness. The asphalt had permeated into gravel bed. One asphalt sample (T09030908) was collected from there.
These naturally occurring asphalts and two asphalt samples from Tell Ghanem al-Ali were examined their organic compound, elemental compositions and isotopic ratio at Nagoya Univer sity. Any clear chemical comparison among natural asphalts and two archeological asphalts could not found. One of the possible reason is in chemical alteration of organic compounds during handicraft processing with heat in ancient period. - 桂田祐介(KATSURADA Yusuke)
Geoenvironment around the ancient dam at Wadi Abu Tulayha, PPNB archaeological site in the southern Jordan
vol.26, p. 95-101. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.93MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.11Abstract
Wadi Abu Tulayha is a small settlement site located in the north-west of the Jafr Basin in southern Jordan. This PPNB agro-pastoral outpost was probably derived from the secondary farm ing society in the west. In order to clarify natural backgrounds for the ancient dams set along the wadi channel at the site, surface drainage and catchment area were estimated by calculating digital elevation medel (DEM) and analyzing remotely sensed images. Considering its geological backgrounds, hydrology including underground water in the limestone-based sedimentary rocks may play an important role on the nomadic people’s settlement.
- 永井ひろ美(NAGAI Hiromi)・白木敬一(SHIRAKI Keiichi)
菊池 安 による本邦初の放散虫化石の記載
The first description of radiolarian fossils in Japan by KIKUCHI Yasushi
vol.26, p. 103-118. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.18MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.12Abstract
In June 1883, KIKUCHI Yasushi submitted his dissertation thesis of the titles “Report on the Geology of the Prov. Awa in Shikoku” and “On some Mesozoic Fossils of the Province Awa in Shikoku” to Carl Christian Gottsche, Professor of Geology and Paleontology of the University of Tokyo. He mentioned in this thesis the occurrence of radiolarian fossils such as Cenosphaera and Dictyomitra, which he considered the Cretaceous, from quartzite in the southeastern part of the Province Awa, and it was the first report of radiolarian fossils from the Japanese Islands (Nagai, 1995b). Here we re-examined in more details his Cretaceous radiolarian fossils based on the description of Zittel (1876), and confirmed KIKUCHI’s belief that the age of these radiolarians is Cretaceous. Naumann (1885) considered, however, that the radiolarian remains were included in the Paleozoic strata on the basis of his study on structural geology in Shikoku. Yehara (1926), who started a new study on radiolarian fossils, also followed the views of Naumann. Thus, it seems likely that the first report of Cretaceous radiolarians in Japan by KIKUCHI has been missed over hundred years.
- 水谷伸治郎(MIZUTANI Shinjiro)・坂 幸恭(SAKA Yukiyasu)・矢入憲二(YAIRI Kenji)・足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
Silt and Siltstone
vol.26, p. 119-152. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.36MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.13Abstract
Size and shape properties of clastic grains of silt and siltstone are discussed using desert sands from Egypt and siltstones from Malawi; it is revealed that most of the silt grains (i.e. diameter of the grains finer then 4.0φ and coarser than 8.0φ in size) are invariably angular in shape. Once the silt grains were formed, they seem to retain their shape and even their surface features. Although the occurrence of siltstone is not so common, it frequently occurs in the geological formations within the Permo-Triassic Karroo system in the African continent. The glacial deposits named the Dwyka system has been reported from the Gondwana Land, particularly in South Africa. The occurrence of the siltstone may be related to the glaciofluvial deposits in this region.
In the supplementary part of this report, we present the outline of the Database named IDARC (Image Database of African Rock Collection), and explain how to read it on the Home Page of the Nagoya University Museum open to the public. - 松田 学(MATSUDA Manabu)・大場由美子(OBA Yumiko)・小西哲郎(KONISHI Tetsuro)・大場裕一(OBA Yuichi)
Survey on the larval habitats of terrestrial firefly, Luciola parvula in the campus of Nagoya University
vol.26, p. 153-163. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.35MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.14The larval habitat of the terrestrial firefly, Luciola parvula, was investigated at five points in the campus of Nagoya University in 2007, 2008, and 2010. By using bait trap, the specimens were captured at the northern area of Ichi-no-tani and the east side of Toyoda Auditorium, but not at Ni-no-tani area, near paddy field, and the area around Building B of the Graduate school of Science. The result suggests that L. parvula inhabits in the area around Ichi-no-tani and Toyoda Auditorium. To identify the precise distributions, further studies are necessary.
- 西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・吉野奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)
Discovery of Cymbidium goeringii (Orchidaceae) in the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden
vol.26, p. 165-167. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.10MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.15Cymbidium goeringii (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. (Orchidaceae) was found in the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden in the spring of 2010. Although the species has been known to be distributed around this region of Nagoya City, there has been no record on the presence in the university campus. The site where we found the species used to be an abandoned place without any forests. The discovery of the species suggests that the Botanical Garden including the discovery site has been successfully regenerating preferable environment for the forest flora.
- 佐藤純子(SATO Junko)・西川輝昭(NISHIKAWA Teruaki)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・門脇誠二(KADOWAKI Seiji)
名古屋大学博物館所蔵 中国紙馬ならびに紙銭のリスト
A list of Chīmā (Chinese paper charm) and Chīchen (Hell bank note) collection in the Nagoya University Museum
vol.26, p. 169-184. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.28MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.16Chīmā (Chinese paper charm) and Chīchen (Hell bank note) are pictures engraved on woods and printed on simple plain papers. Most of them are made to wish the people’s good fortune, and they act as an important mediator between Chinese gods and the people in folklore belief. This review presents a list of the Chinese paper charm and the hell bank note collections, which consist of 590 specimens donated mainly by Mr. Hiroshi Asami and Mr. Saburo Ito to the Nagoya University Museum since 2004.
- 佐藤純子(SATO Junko)・西川輝昭(NISHIKAWA Teruaki)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・門脇誠二(KADOWAKI Seiji)
名古屋大学博物館所蔵 中国剪紙のリスト
A list of Senshi (Chinese folk paper cutting) collection in the Nagoya University Museum
vol.26, p. 185-236. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.36MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.17Senshi (Chinese folk paper cuttings) are paper handicrafts cut in various shapes with scissors or small knives by Chinese people, usually for decollating their houses or wishing their good luck or good fortune. The cutting patterns have a wide variation from animals to Chinese characters, all of which are considered as good luck charms.
This review presents a list of the Chinese paper cutting collection, consisting of the specimens donated mainly by Mr. Hiroshi Asami, Prof. Tatsuhiko Sakurai, and Mr. Saburo Ito to the Nagoya University Museum since 2004. The list contains the pattern, locality, and size of the 1640 specimens. - 吉野奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)
A Catalogue of Takaki’s twig collection at the Nagoya University Museum
vol.26, p. 237-244. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.50MB)
DOI:10.18999/bulnum.026.18In the specimens that Dr. Takaki (1915-2006) donated to Nagoya University Museum (NUM), 187 twig specimens were found. We recognized the tree names written by Dr. Takaki for 153 species of 178 twigs, as we listed here. We numbered these twigs and attached them a label with the Japanese name and the family name. We also made labels explaining the trees for some of the specimens, which could be used for the future exhibitions.
- 大塚友恵(OTSUKA Tomoe)・飯野孝浩(IINO Takahiro)・石川葉留奈(ISHIKAWA Haruna)・佐野健志(SANO Kenji)・野田桃太郎(NODA Momotaro)・河村恵里(KAWAMURA Eri)・西井 彩(NISHII Aya)・窪園侑也(KUBOZONO Yuya)・杉浦真琴(SUGIURA Makoto)・蛭薙観順(HIRUNAGI Kanjun)・新美倫子(NIIMI Michiko)・門脇誠二(KADOWAKI Seiji)
NUMAP 年間活動報告2010
NUMAP annual activity report 2010
vol.26, p. 245-252. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.19MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.19名古屋大学ミュージアム活性化プロジェクトNUMAP(ニューマップ)は,名古屋大学博物館を主なフィールドとしてアカデミック・アウトリーチ活動を行う学生及び若手研究者の団体である.本稿では2010 年の活動内容について事例ごとに簡単に報告していく.
- 束田和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)
第18回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録剥き出しの地球─ 南極大陸 Antarctica, the Great Earth
vol.26, p. 253-273. » 要旨を表示PDF(4.73MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.20 - 新美倫子(NIIMI Michiko)
第13回特別展名古屋大学博物館・南山大学人類学博物館合同企画「縄文のタイムカプセル ─貝塚─」の記録
Records of 13th Nagoya University Museum Special Exhibition“Shell Mounds - messages from the Jomon Period”
vol.26, p. 275-183. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.66MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.21 - 野崎ますみ(NOZAKI Masumi)
ボタニカルアート作品展 展示記録(2009 年度)
Record of “Botanical art exhibition” 2010
vol.26, p. 285-288. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.39MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.026.22