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名古屋大学博物館報告 第28号
- 目次
- Makoto TAKEUCHI, Kazuhiro TSUKADA, Toshiya SUZUKI,
Khishigsuren SODNOM, Onon GANTUMUR, Yusuke KATSURADA,
Enkhchimeg LUVSANDORJ, Ganzorig RANJIN,
Myagmarsuren GERELBAATAR,
Jamiyandagva OTGONBAATAR, Molomjamts MUNKHJARGAL
Stratigraphy and geological structure of the Paleozoic system around Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
vol.28, p. 1-18. » 要旨を表示PDF(10.4MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.01Recent mapping study in the Ulaanbaatar area has revealed that the geology around Ulaanbaatar previously reported should be revised in regard to stratigraphy and geological structure. Here, the new division of strata and geological structure are presented.
Detailed field mapping with careful observation of sedimentary structures such as grading, loadcast, cross lamination, channel structure, and so on which indicate stratigraphic top have been carried out. The results show that many parts of strata were overturned and the geological structure is characterized with overturned folds with south vergence. In particular, the Paleozoic system is newly divided into two accretionary complexes (Altan-Ovoo & Orgioch-Uul Formation and Gorkhi Formation) and a shallow marine formation. Most of the previous shallow marine Carboniferous system is replaced by the two accretionary complexes and the shallow marine Carboniferous system which occurs with fossils indicating shallow sea environment only distributed in narrow area between two faults, although the latter has been regarded as extensively distributed around Ulaanbaatar. The geology suggests that the shallow marine sediments overlie the accretionary complex (Altan-Ovoo & Orgioch-Uul Formation), unconformably.
The accretionary complexes are classified with quite different from the stratigraphy observed in clastic rocks. The Gorkhi Formation is composed of chert, siliceous shale and clastic rocks dominating massive and thick-bedded sandstone in ascending order. The Altan-Ovoo & Orgioch-Uul Formation consists of basalt, chert, siliceous shale and clastic rocks dominating thick- to thin-bedded sandstone and mudstone in ascending order.
Furthermore, it is found out that the previous Gorkhi Formation in the northwest area and the previous Carboniferous system in the central south area are regarded as weakly metamorphosed and strongly deformed equivalents to the Altan-Ovoo & Orgioch-Uul Formation. Geological structure of these strata represents south vergence such as north-dipping thrust and fold-axial plane. The fact strongly suggests that north-directing subduction formed these geological structures. - Yuki Nakane, Toshiyuki Kurihara, Bakhat Nuramkhaan,
Manchuk Nuramkhaan, Makoto Takeuchi, Kazuhiro Tsukada,
Sersmaa Gonchigdorj and Khishigsuren Sodnom
Geological division of the rocks at southeast of Ulaanbaatar (Gachuurt-Nalaikh), central Mongolia
vol.28, p. 19-26. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.93MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.02This paper describes lithology and radiolarian fossils from a chert slab in the Gachuurt-Nalaikh area, southeast of Ulaanbaatar, central Mongolia, and discusses the geological division of the rocks in this area.
The rocks in this area consist of clastic rocks with chert slab intercalations. Although the rocks of this area have been previously divided into the Gorkhi, Altan-Ovoo, and Orgioch-Uul Formations, there are no significant structural and lithological gaps across the boundaries between these formations. Therefore, there is no reason to divide the rocks of this area into the three formations, and these three formations should be regarded as a single geological unit.
A conformable succession of Devonian radiolarian chert, siliceous shale, mudstone and sandstone in ascending order, which is generally regarded as ocean plate stratigraphy (OPS), were found from this area. The repetition of chert and clastic rocks with OPS within this area might show the stacking of tectonic slices of the chert-clastic rock sequence within an accretionary complex. This suggests that the rocks of this area should be regarded as the northern extension of the Gorkhi Formation of an accretionary complex, though most of the rocks of this area have been previously assigned to Carboniferous shallow marine system. - Toshiya Suzuki, Yuki Nakane, Bakhat Nuramkhaan,
Makoto Takeuchi, Kazuhiro Tsukada, Sersmaa Gonchigdorj,
Khishigsuren Sodnom and Manchuk Nuramkhaan
Description of sandstones in the Ulaanbaatar area, Mongolia.
vol.28, p. 27-38. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.81MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.03The texture and the grain composition of sandstone provide information about the tectonic setting of basins of deposition and associated provenances. The geological history of the Khangay-Khentey belt composed of pre-Carboniferous accretionary complex and Carboniferous shallow-marine strata was linked with the evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean. This paper describes the sandstones of the Gorkhi, Altan-Ovoo & Orgioch- Uul Formations and Carboniferous shallow marine system, that occurs around Ulaanbaatar city.
The sandstones in the Gorkhi and Altan-Ovoo & Orgioch-Uul Formations are classified as feldspathic arenite. They are clast supported and poorly-sorted, with dominantly angular to very angular grains mainly composed of quartz, potassium feldspar, plagioclase and rock fragments of rhyolite and tuff. The modal framework grain analysis shows that sandy detritus was derived from “continental crust” where erosion has cut deep into volcanic cover. The sandstone in the Carboniferous shallow marine system classified as feldspathic wacke is rich in muddy matrix and poorly-sorted, dominantly includes rounded to little angular grains of quartz, potassium feldspar, plagioclase and rock fragments of rhyolite, felsic tuff, andesite and basalt. The Qm-F-Lt diagram suggests that the sandstone is originated from the “transitional arc”.
The sandstones from the Gorkhi and Altan-Ovoo & Orgioch-Uul Formations are significantly similar and they can not be distinguished to each other in their textures, grain compositions and poor in rock fragments, and they were originated from the same kinds of source, i.e. continental crust where erosion has cut deep into volcanic cover which related to the subduction of oceanic plate. However, the lithostratigraphies of these formations are quite different each other and they were likely to have been formed at different places, or formed in different ages each other. The volcanism evidenced by the felsic tuff intercalations in the Altan-Ovoo & Orgioch-Uul Formation at the provenance area was likely enough immature which could not provide much volcanic rock fragments to the basin. The sandstone of the “Carboniferous formation,” rich in volcanic rock fragments, strongly indicates that the volcanic activity had developed to supply volcanic rock fragments into the sedimentary basin of this formation. - Bakhat Nuramkhaan, Yuki Nakane, Shoko Yamasaki,
Jamiyandagva Otgonbaatar, Manchuk Nuramkhaan,
Makoto Takeuchi, Kazuhiro Tsukada, Yusuke Katsurada,
Sersmaa Gonchigdorj and Khishigsuren Sodnom
Description of a NW-trending brittle shear zone, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
vol.28, p. 39-43. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.61MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.04A fault trending NW-SE from central Ulaanbaatar to Nalaikh, Mongolia, has been inferred from a topographical viewpoint, however, its lithological and kinematical characteristics remain uncertain. This paper describes the lithology and kinematics of this fault. The rocks of the Gorkhi Formation are intensely fractured to form a brittle shear zone sub-parallel to the topographical lineament from central Ulaanbaatar to Nalaikh. The fractured rocks are partly foliated with vertical planes striking N 15°to 30°W. The shear zone extends for ca. 40 km north from Nalaikh. Dragging fold and P-Y fabric of the fractured rocks show top-to-the south sense of shear.
- Khishigsuren Sodnom, Gerel Ochir1), Chuluun Danzan,
Bat-Ulzii Dash, Munkhbat Baatar
Origin of the Early Mesozoic Bogd Uul granite pluton, Ulaanbaatar area, Mongolia
vol.28, p. 45-59. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.63MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.05We present new isotopic age and geochemical data of the Bogd Uul granite pluton occurred in the margin of Khentey uplift, in the Ulaanbaatar area. The Bogd Uul granite pluton consists of slightly peraluminous, high-K, calc-alkaline series biotite and hornblende-biotite granite of A2-type. The Rb-Sr isochron age of the Bogd Uul granite pluton in this study confirm our former determined early Mesozoic age of the single zircon lead evaporation, and U-Pb isotopic analyses using a Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS). The Bogd Uul granite pluton is formed in post-collisional environment, and granitic magma derived from continental crust contaminated with juvenile mantle-derived component due to geochemical analyses and Rb-Sr isotopic data which show the initial 87Sr/86Sr=0.7005-0.7030, εNd(T)=(+0.7)- (+1.4), model ages of 826-1077 Ma. The topological analyses of zircon in the Bogd Uul granite pluton confirm the mixed sources which determined isotopic and geochemical data.
- 水谷伸治郎(MIZUTANI Shinjiro)
Siliceous shale and Radiolarian fossils of the Mazegawa Formation
vol.28, p. 61-75. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.73MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.06The occurrence of Jurassic radiolarian fossils in the Hida-Kanayama area was first reported in 1979 by an undergraduate student (Mr. Masao Sakai) of Nagoya University. Sakai’s report was new information on the geology of the Mino Terrane, and gave us motivation for re-study of the area from the micropaleontological standpoint.
At Hid-Kanayama, we started to detailed mapping and sampling of the Radiolaria-bearing rocks; and I asked Dr. Ken Shibata (Geologicl Survey of Japan) to carry out the isotope agedetermination for the rocks in the Hida-Kanayama area. We reported our study results in the meeting of the Paleontological Society of Japan held at Nagoya University on Oct. 20, 1979 (Mizutani, Okamura and Shibata, 1979). We also started to re-study throughout the Mino Terrane from a new viewpoint. Surprisingly enough, staffs and graduate students found siliceous shale in many areas in the region which contains the Jurassic radiolarians ranging in age from Bathonian to Tithonian. I reported orally the result of our studies to Dr. Teiichi Kobayashi, Emeritus Professor of Tokyo University, and he strongly recommended me to publish it on the Proceeding of Japan Academy (Mizutani et al., 1981). I also described my own study result and publisehed it on the Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (Mizutani, 1981).
Petrographic researches of these sedimentary rocks were carried out, particularly concerning the origin of chert or siliceous materials. It seemed to me that the fundamental problem lies in the origin of silica and the process of crystallization from amorphous silica to quartz in chert or siliceous shale. I did an experimental research on transformation of amorphous silica to quartz under the hydrothermal conditions. I found that the transformation process from amorphous silica to cristobalite and then to quartz could be reasonably expressed by differential equations, when we introduced the induction period for the reactions. I have not yet done, however, any discussions on the essensial meaning of this induction period.
In the present paper, I will examine many kinetic reactions in which the reactions are related with the induction period. It seems to me that amorphous silica, i.e. nano-sized particle necessitates the induction period when it is transformed to another phase.
After my own work on the Mazegawa Formation in 1981, Wakita (1987) studied the same area in detail, and found that the younger radiolarian assemblage from Tithonian to Berriasian, composed of Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Lozyniak) and Ditrabs sansalvadorensis (Pessagno) of the “Pc assemblage” in the Mino Terrane. He extended his field work to the entire part of the Mino Terrane (Wakita, 1988a, 1988b).
He thought that his idea would be applied in other places, and carried out a research work on the tectonic evolution of South and Southeast Asia. His idea was persuasively applied to that region like the Mino Terrane in Japan (Wakita et al., 1997; Wakita and Metcalfe, 2005). The latest volume of Tectonophysics (vol.568-569) was planned to publish a special issue on mélange with various examples from active tectonic belts in the world. Wakita (2012) also presented his paper and discussed the mélange formation in the Mino and the Chichibu Terranes from SW Japan. This Tectonophysics was published in color; all the maps and figures in each paper on the complex and complicated mélange provide useful information for us. - 大場 裕一(OBA Yuichi)
Record of the luminous earthworm, Microscolex phosphoreus (Dugès, 1837), from 14 points in Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus
vol.28, p. 77-83. » 要旨を表示PDF(7.32MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.07Distribution of the luminous earthworm, Microscolex phosphoreus (Dug&rgrave;s, 1837), was recorded from 14 points in Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus on March and April, 2012. DNA barcode analysis revealed that these specimens are divided into three independent haplotype groups.
- 大場裕一(OBA Yuichi)・大場由美子(OBA Yumiko)・小西哲郎(KONISHI Tetsuro)
Note on the larval distribution of the terrestrial firefly, Luciola parvula Kiesenwetter, 1874, from near the National Composite Center in Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus
vol.28, p. 85-88. » 要旨を表示PDF(4.36MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.08The larval habitats of the terrestrial firefly, Luciola parvula Kiesenwetter, 1874, were recorded at three new points in the Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus. One of these points is close to the National Composite Center now under construction.
- 永井ひろ美(NAGAI Hiromi)・白木敬一(SHIRAKI Keiichi)
Radiolarian Fossils Mentioned in YOSHIDA Otohiko (1900)
vol.28, p. 89-94. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.97MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.09In June 1900, YOSHIDA Otohiko submitted his dissertation thesis of the title “Report on Geology of the Southern Part of Higo” to the Department of Geology in the University of Tokyo. He discovered well-preserved radiolarian fossils in siliceous slates near Ohira village of Itsukimura, identified them as Cenosphaera gregaria (?); Lithocampe aptycalphila (?); Spongodiscidae sp.; Rhopalastrum sp.; and Sphaerozoum sp.; and depicted their fairly detailed figures. YOSHIDA considered the radiolarian fossils to be Palaeozoic, because the radiolarian slates were accompanied with Fusulina-bearing Palaeozoic limestones.
- 太田 貴大(Takahiro OTA)
2011 年冬期の名古屋大学東山キャンパス内でのオオコノハズク捕獲記録と名古屋市内での観察・保護記録
Banding record of Collared Scops Owl, Otus lempiji (Horsfield, 1821), in Nagoya University campus in the winter of 2011 and observation and collected record in City of Nagoya
vol.28, p. 95-98. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.75MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.10Collared Scopos Owl is migratory and eastern Asian endemic nocturnal raptor species. The species was listed on the Red Data Book of Aichi (2009 version) and Nagoya (2010 version) as near-threatened category. In Nagoya, some individuals are observed mainly in migratory seasons and others in winter. I reported banding record of the species in the winter season of 2011 in Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus. This capture record was the third one in Nagoya to date. The plumage indicated that the individual coulf be first-winter age but the sex was unknown. I also summarized winter observation and collected records in Nagoya.
オオコノハズクOtus lempiji(以降,学名は日本鳥類目録改訂第7版に従う: 日本鳥類目録編集委員会,2012)は,愛知県では「夏期は丘陵地および山間部の林で繁殖し,冬期は平野部の雑木林や工業地帯のグリーンベルトなどにも生息するが数は少ない」とされており,同県では「準絶滅危惧種」に指定されている(愛知県環境調査センター,2009).また,冬期の生息地と考えられる名古屋市でも,「準絶滅危惧種」に指定されている(名古屋市動植物実態調査検討会,2010).
本稿では2011年1月に名古屋大学東山キャンパス内での環境省鳥類標識調査において,オオコノハズク1 羽を捕獲標識し放鳥したため,その概要を報告すると共に,過去の名古屋市内における観察記録と保護記録をまとめ,当該種の名古屋市内における冬期生息状況を概観する. - 浅野 邦史(ASANO Kunihito)
Moth Inventory of Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus
vol.28, p. 99-118. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.48MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.11A ten-year research on the moth fauna of the Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya University, is summarized and provided here as an inventory. With light traps, sweeping method, deeping method, bate traps, and hand collecting at night, 614 moth species belonging to 46 families were collected and identified. This inventory will contribute to the evaluation of the biodiversity of Higashiyama region, Nagoya, because this is one of rarer records of moths of this region, especially including species with a small-sized body.
- 島岡 眞(SHIMAOKA Makoto)
Catalogue of NARASAKA Gen’ichiro’s Collection, with explanatory notes: a supplement
vol.28, p. 119-128. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.42MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.12Gen’ichiro Narasaka’s collection of Nagoya University Museum received additional materials from his grandson in fall 2011, just before the opening of the special display, titled
Gen’ichiro Narasaka’s Chugyo-Zufu: Museum of the pioneering anatomist . The new materials consist of nineteen pieces, including the name list of attendants at the thank-you party for Gen’ichiro Narasaka, some illustrations, graduation albums, and a scroll of calligraphy. This report lists these materials, among which photographs, a scroll of calligraphy, and some notebooks are described in details as they illustrate new aspects of Gen’ichiro Narasaka.昨秋,12月からの奈良坂展「虫魚図譜 解剖学創始者のミュージアム」を前にして,奈良坂家から追加の資料提供があった.謝恩会人名録や戯画の下絵,卒業アルバムや掛軸等,19点の品々である.何れもこれまで受入れ,整理終了した資料群の一部であり,今回「奈良坂源一郎関係史料目録」の追補として報告させて頂くことにし,巻末に付記した.
併せて,この中から写真,掛軸,『備忘録』の3点にしぼり,これまでの報告で触れられなかった部分を追加説明したいと思う. - 坪田 博美(TSUBOTA Hiromi)・吉野奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)
Mosses of Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden: a preliminary report
vol.28, p. 129-132. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.83MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.13Mosses of the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, were collected and identified. Nine species were recognized along the main trail in the western part of the garden. Among the specimens, three of them were found on a tree trunk, three were on the ground, one was on an algae mat in a water pool, and two were in a green house. Considering that still more diverse habitats are left unexplored, there will be more species to be found in the garden by further studies.
- 大路樹生(OJI, Tatsuo)・足立 守(ADACHI, Mamoru)
名古屋大学博物館特別企画「恐竜たちがやってきた 化石から学ぶ過去の生物多様性」
Record of the NUM Special Display “Here come the dinosaurs - Learn about biodiversity through the fossil record”
vol.28, p. 133-151. » 要旨を表示PDF(8.00MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.14 - 大路 樹生(OJI, Tatsuo)
第15回名古屋大学博物館特別展記録「深海の生物と古生物 ― 知多の化石から生きているウミユリまで」
Record of the 15th NUM Special Exhibition “Deep-sea Animals: Their Ancient and Modern Lives”
vol.28, p. 153-164. » 要旨を表示PDF(4.76MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.15 - 束田 和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro))
名古屋大学博物館特別企画記録 草原の民モンゴリアン─伝統と現代社会の狭間で─
Ancient and Modern: Mongolia in photographs and calligraphy
vol.28, p. 165-181. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.08MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.16 - 束田 和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)
第16回名古屋大学博物館特別展記録 大モンゴル展 第一部「モンゴルの自然,鉱物資源,近代化,環境問題」
vol.28, p. 183-208. » 要旨を表示PDF(6.54MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.17 - 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
Record of introductory panels of the 16th NUM Special Exhibition “Mongolia the great”
vol.28, p. 209-212. » 要旨を表示PDF(5.52MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.18 - 醍醐 龍馬(DAIGO Ryuma)
名古屋大学博物館特別講演報告 榎本武揚が見た露清関係とモンゴル ―『シベリア日記』を中心にして
The report of Nagoya University Museum special lecture: Russo - Qing relations and Mongolia that Enomoto Takeaki observed, based on the analysis of Enomoto’s diary “The diary in Siberia”
vol.28, p. 213-219. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.51MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.19本稿は,名古屋大学博物館で開催された『大モンゴル展』の一環として2012年6月16日に催された特別講演「榎本武揚が見た露清関係とモンゴル―『シベリア日記』を中心にして」の要旨である.
- 吉野奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)
名古屋大学博物館野外観察園展示室の展示記録 2011年12月から2012年10月まで
Record of the exhibition at the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden December, 2011 to October, 2012
vol.28, p. 221-226. » 要旨を表示PDF(4.97MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.20名古屋大学博物館野外観察園展示室で2011年12月から2012年10月までに名古屋大学博物館のサテライト展示を4つ行った.本報告はその記録である.展示の企画,展示者との調整は野崎が行い,会期中の管理は吉野が行った.展示物に関しては展示者が作成を行っている.
- 飯野孝浩(IINO Takahiro)・清水右郷(SHIMIZU Ukyo)・
川本恭平(KAWAMOTO Kyohei)・望月沙也可(MOCHIZUKI Sayaka)・
芝田早希(SHIBATA Saki)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・
大路樹生(OJI Tatsuo)
NUMAP 活動報告2012
2012 annual activity report of NUMAP
vol.28, p. 227-231. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.89MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.028.21名古屋大学ミュージアム活性化プロジェクト NUMAP(ニューマップ)は,「キャンパスにミュー ジアム力(りょく)を」をキーワードとして,名古屋大学の研究成果の発信を通じて本学と社会の新 たなコミュニケーションを創出すべく活動を展開する学生団体である.今年は天体観望会や赤外線ハ ンズオンの実施,ゼミの頻回化,活動評価などが主要な取り組みとして挙げられる.本稿では各取り 組みの概要について報告する.