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名古屋大学博物館報告 第23号
- 目次
- 吉田 泰幸(YOSHIDA Yasuyuki)
秋田県角間崎貝塚出土の礫石錘 ―角田コレクション紹介6 ―
Stone Spindles in Kakumazaki Shell Mound in Akita Prefecture
vol.22, p. 1-10. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.15MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.01Kakumazaki Shell Mound is valuable as few shell mounds in areas along the Sea of Japan. Since a long time ago, Kakumazaki shell mound has been watched, and excavated by Ichiro Mutoh, Dr. Sanesige Komaki, and Dr. Bunei Tsunoda. Many stone spindles have been unearthed in each excavation. In Tsunoda Collection, stone spindles are abundance, too. There are two theories with application of stone spindle. One is stone spindle is used for fish net, another is for knitwork. Above the difference of opinion, integration of way to measure stone spindle has been argued by Dr. Makoto Watanabe, propounder of knitwork-theory. The author measured stone spindles in conformity to that method. As a result, average weight of stone spindles in Kakumazaki Shell Mound is 168.9g, heavier than standard spindle for fish net in Jomon Period. The deviation of weight is also better for knitwork-theory.
- 渡辺 誠(WATANABE Makoto)
The pottery made by the plastering clay inside the baskets excavated at the Kaminabe Site in Kumamoto City
vol.22, p. 11-17. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.00MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.02While most of the Jomon potteries were made by the ring building method, some of them were manufactured by the plastering clay inside the baskets. They show the marks of the imprints of their textures. This type of pottery was characterized by the Latest Jomon Period in Kyushu.
The excavation of the Kaminabe Site in Kumamoto City yielded 25 speciments. Their imprints marks are the baskets (7), the knitted clothes (4), and nets (14). The usage of the knitted clothes and nets on the baskets was probably to separate them from the baskets easily. - 武邊勝道(TAKEBE Masamichi)・大屋 誠(OHYA Makoto)・三村耕一(MIMURA Koichi)・杉谷健一郎(SUGITANI Kenichiro)・山本鋼志(YAMAMOTO Koshi)・亀谷 均(KAMETANI Hitoshi)・高田龍一(TAKATA Ryuichi)・吉田英一(Yoshida Hidekazu)
Chemistry of organic-rich sediment and porewater from the port of Yasugi, Lake Nakaumi
vol.22, p. 19-29. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.98MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.03Lake Nakaumi, San-in area, is one of the largest blackish lake in Japan. Recently, sedimentation of organic flock named “Hedoro” becomes a serious problem, because the enrichment of organic flock may damage the ecological system. In order to reveal geochemical behavior of elements in the organic-rich sediment of the brackish lake during early diagenesis, the chemistry of upper 60 cm sediment and porewater from the harbor of Yasugi located on southeastern part of Lake Nakaumi was examined. Total organic carbon (Corg) and total nitrogen (N) concentrations of the sediment are 3.0 to 5.5% and 0.3 to 0.6%, respectively. Corg/N mole ratios in the sediment ranges from 10 to 13 suggesting that organic matter in the sediment originate mainly from phytoplanktons. The Corg and N concentrations decrease with depth, suggesting organic degradation during diagenesis. The porewater shows low Eh and decreasing of SO42- concentration with depth. Hence the degradation of organic matter is accompanied by sulfate reduction. Whereas, relation between Eh and pH in the porewater show that HS- concentration is less than SO42- concentration. Considering the high sulfur concentration up to 4% in sediment, HS- generated by the sulfate reduction is probably removed by the deposition of sulfide.
- 鈴木尊仁(SUZUKI Takahito)・井上恵介(INOUE Keisuke)・小澤智生(OZAWA Tomowo)
伊勢湾・三河湾における1960年代以降の環境劣化と 潮間帯軟体動物相の変化
Environmental degradation in Ise and Mikawa Bays after 1960’s as viewed from intertidal molluscan community
vol.22, p. 31-64. » 要旨を表示PDF(10.3MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.04Marine environments of Ise and Mikawa Bays in the Chubu District have been declining mainly by water pollution and decrease of natural coastal zones by the construction of industrial areas in accordance with the rapid economic growth of Japan since 1960’s. Little scientific research reports have, however, been presented on the decline of marine diversity in these bays since 1960’s.
In order to assess and monitor the environmental degradation in these bays since 1960’s, we investigated species diversity of intertidal molluscan communities of three years from March 2002 to November 2004, and recognized 76 species in total. The species number nearly corresponds one third of ca. 200 species in total in 1960’s based on some reliable literatures with lists of species. Qualitative and quantitative samplings for the survey of species diversity were made at 42 stations covering most of the areas and habitats of molluscan communities in these bays. It is confirmed that 76 molluscan species are living in the intertidal zones in these bays. The number of species is approximately one third of that recorded in 1960’s, indicating a mass extinction of the molluscan populations in these bays in the past four decades. The molluscan species commonly found in 1960’s such as Meretrix lusoria (Röding), Umbonium (Suchium) moniliferum (Lamarck) and Batillaria zonalis (Bruguière) are proved to be endangered. Moreover introduced species from abroad such as Crepidula onyx Sowerby, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, Perna viridis (Linnaeus), Xenostrobus secures (Lamarck) and Meretrix pethechialis (Lamarck) have established their populations in these bays.
Seasonal change in the number of species and individuals were also investigated by applying quantitative sampling with a quadrate (25cm x 25cm) at three different types of intertidal flats in Shiokawa (mud flats in the innermost of Mikawa Bay), Mikawaisshiki (wide intertidal sand flats formed in front of the Yahagi River delta) and Isuzugawa (narrow sand flats on the Isuzu River delta facing the bay mouth of Ise Bay). It was found that the number of species and individuals decrease remarkably in early autumn by mass mortality of molluscs caused by the upwelling of anoxic bottom water mass of the bays formed in summer. The mass mortality of the parent molluscan animals and defective transport of their larva caused by the upwelling of the anoxic bottom water (so called blue tide) have great influence on the decline of the diversity of molluscan species in these bays. - 蛭薙 観順(HIRUNAGI Kanjun)
映画「CHICK SEXING On the Development and Practise of Baby Chick Sexing Method」(初生雛雌雄鑑別法の発展とその普及)のオリジナルフィルムの発見
Original film of “CHICK SEXING On the Development and Practise of Baby Chick Sexing Method” was found
vol.22, p. 65-72. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.66MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.05The original film titled “CHICK SEXING On the Development and Practise of Baby Chick Sexing Method” was found in 2005. This film was produced for promotion of chick sexing method in 1936 and has been lost for a long time. Chick sexing method is based on the discovery of genital protuberance (phallus) of the male chick in 1925. This film shows the anatomy of genital protuberance, the training of chick sexing, the application of chick sexing to poultry industries in Japan.
- 山本時彦(YAMAMOTO Tokihiko)
メダカ博士山本時男の生涯 ―自筆年譜から―
Autobiographical records given by Toki-o Yamamoto (1909-1977), Professor Emeritus of Nagoya University, famous for his Medaka (Oryzias latipes) works, with his son’s memorial remarks
vol.22, p. 73-110. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.95MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.06My father, Toki-o YAMAMOTO, had been occupied for a long time with embryological and genetic researches and education at Nagoya University. He was first in the world to succeed in inducing sex-reversal artificially in the Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). He left an autobiographical chronicle until 1969 when he retired from the university on his official life as a biologist, worth reproducing here as an archival document. Added are my brief notes on his chronicle and my memorial remarks on his life after retirement.
- 西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)・吉田 智弘(YOSHIDA Tomohiro)・石川葉留奈(ISHIKAWA Haruna)・眞 静代(SHIN Shizuyo)
A Catalogue of Takaki’s bryophyte collection at the Nagoya University Museum: genera with initial A
vol.22, p. 111-201. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.14MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.07A collection database for the bryophyte specimens of Dr. Norio Takaki (1915-2006) held in the Nagoya University Museum (NUM) is now in course of preparation. The first part of the database, records for the specimens collected in Japan with the generic name beginning with A, are given here in print in advance of the computerized database. 1781 species are included with records of the name, locality (in Japanese), locality and habitat (in English), date of collection, collectors, and notes on label.
- 吉野奈津子(YOSHINO Natsuko)・西田佐知子(NISHIDA Sachiko)
List of botanical specimens collected from the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden II.
vol.22, p. 203-210. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.66MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.08Abstract
Sequel to the specimen list of plants in the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden is provided. Since the former list had been published, the garden experienced reconstruction of the greenhouses and renovation of the pavements. Plants in the greenhouses had been evacuated in the greenhouse of the agriculture departments during the construction, where the temperature was kept higher than usual and several species bloomed for the first time. The list provided here comprises 130 species, in which 42 species are new to the records for this garden. Total number of specimens collected in the garden turned 300.
- 鈴木邦雄(SUZUKI Kunio)・川島逸郎(KAWASHIMA Itsuro)
『奈良坂源一郎 蟲魚圖譜』に描かれた昆虫類
The insects illustrated in Gen’ichiro Narasaka’s “Chûgyo-Zufu”
vol.22, p. 211-247. » 要旨を表示PDF(4.10MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.09We had a good chance to investigate the insects treated in the “Chûgyo-Zufu” illustrated by an anatomist Gen’ichiro NARASAKA (June 15, 1854 - March 19, 1934). Ten butterfly and 21 odonate species were identified with some comments for each figure. We also tried to make an annotated reprint of original handwriting Japanese text. The insect species identified by us are as follows (species name and sex; Plate No. in [ ]): I. LEPIDOPTERA- PAPILIONIDAE: Luehdorfia japonica Leech, 1889, ♀ [Pl. 2BL]; Papilio bianor dehaanii C. et R. Felder, 1864, summer form ♀ [Pl. 3BR]; Papilio machaon hippocrates C. et R. Felder, 1864, spring form ♂ [Pl. 3TL], summer form ♀ [Pls. 3TR, 3TL], and mature larva [Pl. 3TR]; Papilio protenor demetrius Cramer, 1782, summer form (?) ♂ and mature larva [Pl. 3BL]; Papilio xuthus Linnaeus, 1767, summer form ♀, immature and mature larvae, pupa [Pl. 1 TL], and spring form (?) ♂ or dwarf (?) ♂ [Pls. 2TL, 2BR]; PIERIDAE: Colias erate poliographus Motschulsky, 1860, ♀ [Pl. 4TL] and ♂ [Pl. 5BR]; Eurema hecabe mandarina de l’Orza, 1869, summer form ♂ [Pl. 4BR]; Gonepteryx aspasia niphonica Verity, 1909, ♂ [Pl. 4TR]; DANAIDAE: Parantica sita niphonica (Moore, 1883), ♀ [Pl. 5BL]; SATYRIDAE: Mycalesis gotama fulginia Fruhstorfer, 1911, adult, larva, and pupa [Pl. 5TR]; II. ODONATA- COENAGRIONIDAE: Ceriagrion melanurum Selys, 1876, mature ♂ [Pl. 15BR]; Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur, 1842), mature ♂ or mature ♂ -type ♀ [Pl. 15BL]; CALOPTERYGIDAE: Mnais nawai Yamamoto, 1956, semimature ♂ [Pl. 15TR] and f. nawai ♀ [Pl. 15TL]; GOMPHIDAE; Asiagomphus melaenops (Selys, 1854), mature ♀ [Pl. 7BR]; Gomphus postocularis Selys, 1869, mature ♀ [Pl. 8BR]; Nihonogomphus viridis Oguma, 1926, mature ♂ [Pl. 8TR] and mature ♀ [Pl. 8TL]; Sinictinogomphus clavatus (Fabricius, 1775), mature ♀ [Pl. 6TL]; Trigomphus citimus tabei Asahina, 1949 (?), slightly immature ♀ [Pl. 9BR] and immature ♀ [Pl. 9BL]; Trigomphus interruptus (Selys, 1854) or T. ogumai Asahina, 1949, mature ♂ [Pl. 10BL]; AESHNIDAE: Anax nigrofasciatus nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915, mature ♀ [Pl. 7TL]; Anax parthenope julius Brauer, 1865, mature ♂ [Pl. 7TR]; Polycanthagyna melanictera (Selys, 1883), ♀ [Pl. 1TR]; CORDULIIDAE: Epitheca marginata (Selys, 1883), immature (?) ♀ [Pl. 10BR]; Epophthalmia elegans (Brauer, 1865), mature ♀ [Pl. 6TR], mature ♂ [Pl. 7BL], and last instar larva [Pl. 16BR]; LIBELLURIDAE: Libellula angelina Selys, 1883, mature ♂ [Pl. 13TL]; Lyriothemis pachygastra (Selys, 1878), immature ♀ [Pl. 13BR], semimature ♂ [Pl. 14TR], and mature ♂ [Pl. 14TL]; Nannophya pygmaea Rambur, 1842, mature ♀ [Pl. 14BR] and mature ♂ [Pl. 14BL]; Orthetrum albistylum speciosum (Uhler, 1858), slightly immature ♀ [Pl. 9TR] and mature ♂ [Pl. 9TL]; Orthetrum japonicum japonicum (Uhler, 1858) (?), mature (?) ♀ [Pl. 13BL]; Pseudothemis zonata Burmeister, 1839, immature ♂ [Pl. 12TR], mature ♂ [Pl. 12TL], and mature (?) ♀ [Pl. 13TR]; Rhyothemis fuliginosa Selys, 1883, ♀ [Pl. 11TR] and ♂ [Pl. 11TL]; III. NEUROPTERA- MYRMELEONTIDAE: Hagenomyia sp., adult, larva, and cocoon patched with sands [Pl. 16TR]; IV. MECOPTERA- PANORPIDAE: Panorpa japonica Thunberg, 1784, ♀ [Pl. 16TL] (T or B and R or L indicate the top (T) or bottom (B) and the right (R) or left (L) of a given plate). In order to give a fundamental material for future appraisal concerning the present-day significance of “Chûgyo-Zufu” we tried to compare it with the following two famous books of insect illustrations in the latter Edo to the early Meiji periods: “Sen-Chû-Fu” by Tanshû KURIMOTO (1756-1834) and “Chôjû-Chûgyo-Fu (Ryôu-Hakubutsu-Zufu)” by Taneyasu MATSUMORI (1825-1892), from the viewpoint of entomologists.
- 島岡 眞(SHIMAOKA Makoto)
奈良坂源一郎関係史料目録(一) ―履歴関係資料のリスト及び解題―
Catalogue of NARASAKA Gen’ichiro’s Collection, with explanatory notes Part 1: Curriculum vitae and related archives
vol.22, p. 249-266. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.84MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.10NARASAKA Gen’ichiro (1854-1934) was a famous human anatomist, working for a long time for “Aichi-Igakko” (Aichi Medical School, antecedent of Nagoya University). His archival documents were recently donated to the Nagoya University Museum by his grandson, Mr. NARASAKA Hiroshi. Among others, the present article gives a list of his curriculum vitae and its related archives, including his hand-written “official and private curriculum vitae”, diploma, membership cards of several associations, letters of thanks for his donation to the funds, e.g., for disaster brought by the Nohbi earthquake and so on with brief comments.
- 蟹江和子(KANIE Kazuko)・西川輝昭(NISHIKAWA Teruaki)
愛知教育博物館関係史料の紹介と解説(その2) ─当時の新聞記事に見るその足跡─
Documents concerning the “Aichi Kyoiku Hakubutsukan” (Aichi Natural History Museum for Pupils), as a short-lived private trial in Nagoya towards the end of the 19th century Part 2 - Newspaper articles
vol.22, p. 267-276. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.91MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.11 - 縣 拓充(AGATA Takumitsu)・岡田 猛(OKADA Takeshi)
The effect of information concerning artist’s creative process in the art exhibition “Conversation Piece”
vol.22, p. 277-292. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.95MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.12The present study proposed a new exhibition style of art which shows visitors not only the artwork itself but also information about its creative process. In the 5th NUM Special Display entitled “Conversation Piece”, we engaged in this exhibition style and examined the effect of information concerning creative process on visitors’ aesthetic and learning experiences. Thirteen pairs participated in the field experiment. Their conversations during appreciation, and their responses to questionnaires were analyzed. The results showed that information about the artist’s creative process deepened visitors’ understanding about the artwork, and facilitated active interaction with exhibits. The process exhibit also facilitated the audience’s connection of the exhibit to their actual life experiences.
- 束田 和弘(TSUKADA Kazuhiro)
第9回名古屋大学博物館特別展記録 スポーツと名古屋大学 ─する・みる・つくる─
Records of the 9th NUM Special Exhibition “Sports at Nagoya University” - Get fits! Play, Watch, Create -
vol.22, p. 293-323. » 要旨を表示PDF(3.42MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.13 - 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
第4回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 日本脳神経外科学の開拓者 齋藤 眞
Records of the 4th NUM Special Display “Life of Professor Makoto Saito: pioneer of brain surgery of Japan”
vol.22, p. 325-329. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.70MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.14 - 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
第5回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 家族の肖像─分岐する世界と統合する意識─ アーティスト小川信治と11人の名大生によるコラボレーション
Records of the 5th NUM Special Display “Conversation piece”: how to create family stories and portraits through psychological collaboration of an artist and university students
vol.22, p. 331-333. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.70MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.15 - 足立 守(ADACHI Mamoru)
第6回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 核分裂絵巻 ベルリン・ヒロシマ・21世紀
Records of the 6th NUM Special Display “Nuclear fission: a picture scroll / Berlin-Hiroshima-21st Century”
vol.22, p. 335-339. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.93MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.16 - 蛭薙観順(HIRUNAGI Kanjun)
第7 回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 トリ 酉 鶏 名大のニワトリ学:解剖学図と標本
Records of the 7th NUM Special Display “Anatomical drawings and specimens of poultry science”
vol.22, p. 341-348. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.77MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.17 - 野崎ますみ(NOZAKI Masumi)
能動的展示記録:「子供向け解説パンフレットとQ&A」及び、「体験(ハンズオン)コーナー」名古屋大学博物館第7回企画展“トリ 酉 鶏”より
Records of the 7th NUM Special Display “Children brochure and Hands-on corner”
vol.22, p. 349-354. » 要旨を表示PDF(2.84MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.18 - 西川輝昭(NISHIKAWA Teruaki)・辻 千春(TSUJI Chiharu)
第8回名古屋大学博物館企画展記録 版画に込められた民衆のねがい 中国伝統年画
Record of the 8th NUM Special Display “Chinese woodcuts depicting people’s wishes for a better life, traditionally displayed around the beginning of the New Year”
vol.22, p. 355-374. » 要旨を表示PDF(4.88MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.19 - 吉田 英一(Yoshida Hidekazu)
International Forum Youth and Science: Museums for the Young Generation
vol.22, p. 375-408. » 要旨を表示PDF(1.84MB)
DOI: 10.18999/bulnum.022.20